by ANDREA KNOWLTON Photographic albums are complex book structures with unique weaknesses and vulnerabilities. To make the Clarkson Stanfield Album, the photographs were adhered to individual leaves of paper, which were then hinged and nested together into sections that could be sewn together into a traditional book structure. Even with… read more
David Octavius Hill
Elegance and Ambition: Hill & Adamson’s Book of 100 Calotypes
by JESSICA S. MCDONALD A superior volume of early photographs by the celebrated Scottish partnership of Hill & Adamson (active 1843–1847) is the subject of an unprecedented exhibition this spring. Formally titled 100 Calotypes by D. O. Hill, R.S.A., and R. Adamson, the volume is better known as the Clarkson… read more
Recent publications
Alison K. Frazier, Editor The Saint between Manuscript and Print in Italy, 1400–1600 University of Toronto Centre for Renaissance and Reformation Studies, July 2015 The 12 essays in this volume identify mutually interactive developments in media and saints’ cults at a time and in a place when both underwent profound… read more