Stephen Enniss, Director of the Harry Ransom Center, shared his thoughts about the proposed elmination of the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities in an opinion editorial in the Austin American-Statesman. Below is the piece that ran on March 10.
Commitment to collecting
Going back to the origins of research libraries, there is a long history of scholars building collections to suit personal interests, constructing around themselves an athenaeum of books that supported their individual research goals.
Ransom Center accepting applications for research fellowships in the humanities
The Ransom Center invites applications for its 2016–2017 research fellowships. More than 50 fellowships will be awarded for projects that require substantial onsite use of the Center’s collections, supporting research in all areas of the humanities including literature, photography, film, art, the performing arts, music, and cultural history.