Academic Program: Language Institute in L’viv, Ukraine (U. of Kansas)

Deadline for Applications: March 01, 2017

Language Institute in L’viv, Ukraine

This six-week program offers a unique opportunity for students to study intensive Ukrainian language and area studies (political transition, society, economics, and culture) in L’viv.

Location: L’viv, Ukraine
Language of Instruction: Ukrainian
Term: Summer
Academic Disciplines: Slavic Languages & Literatures
Program Type: Faculty-led

The KU L’viv Language Institute is open to students interested in learning Ukrainian and expanding their expertise in East and Central European studies – no previous language experience is required. During the six-week summer program, students are enrolled in intensive Ukrainian language and area studies courses at Ivan Franko National University of L’viv, where they also learn about the history, politics, economics, and culture of Ukraine and East Central Europe. Whether you are a student with a specific Ukrainian-track focus or a European generalist, this faculty-led program is designed to give you regional expertise.Highlights:

  • Intensive 6-week program based in L’viv, Ukraine.
  • Multiple excursions and cultural activities included in the program.
  • Earn 6 hours of KU credit in Ukrainian language and area studies.
  • Apply for the Jarosewycz scholarship to receive up to $3,000 for this program.  See ‘Further Reading’ section below for more information.

Open to graduate and undergraduate students from any accredited U.S. college or university who have a stated interested in learning Ukrainian – no previous language study required. Minimum 2.5 GPA required (exceptions considered after submission of a petition).

For more information, and to apply, click here.