Deadline for Applications: May 15, 2017
100 Years Later: The Russian Revolution and its Consequences
October 6-7, 2017
“The Soviet socialist revolution was the great utopian adventure of the modern age,” wrote the late Berkeley professor Martin Malia in the opening to his 1994 book The Soviet Tragedy. Utopian and pragmatic, top-down and bottom-up, tragic and fortunate: historians have affixed many adjectives to the year 1917 to describe it and its impact on Russia, the former Soviet Union, and the wider world. Long before the opening of the Russian archives in the early nineties, scholars have spilled much ink to debate the Revolution’s origins and causes, goals and shortcomings, beginning and end. Nearly all historians agree that the Revolution stands virtually unrivaled in its ambition, influence, and global legacy.
To mark the Revolution’s centenary, the University of California, Berkeley will host a workshop where graduate students in the dissertation writing phase can present and receive feedback on work that relates to the theme of the Russian Revolution and its consequences, broadly defined. How did the ideas, actors, and events that undergirded the Bolshevik program reverberate across the Soviet Union and beyond? In what ways did Soviet socialism serve as a model for non-Soviet governments, revolutionaries, reformers, and other elites to follow, reject, or improve upon? What effect did the collapse have on socialist and non-socialist governments, and what role does memory of the Soviet past play in the former USSR and beyond today? We welcome chronological diversity (from 1917 to the present), regional variation (Russia and the Soviet republics, Eastern Europe, Africa, Latin America, North America and Asia), and thematic range (political, social, economic, environmental, scientific, intellectual, etc.). Our goal is to bring together young scholars from universities across the United States whose work is adding to and changing the way we think, research, and write about the world that 1917 forged.
Thanks to generous funding from the Institute of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ISEEES) at the University of California, Berkeley, this small, intensive workshop will assemble eight participants and at least three senior scholars with relevant expertise to comment on individual papers. This workshop will convene at the University of California, Berkeley, October 6-7, 2017.
Those interested in applying should submit a brief CV as well as a paper title and 500-word abstract by May 15, 2017. We welcome paper proposals from ABDs across the United States working directly or indirectly on topics related to the Soviet Union. Invitations to the workshop will be issued in summer 2017. Papers (dissertation chapters or articles up to 40 pages in length) will be distributed to all participants one month before the event. As this workshop will be interactive, we ask that all participants commit to reading the sent papers and arrive at Berkeley ready for discussion. Stipends for travel and lodging expenses may become available, although the workshop organizers encourage participants to apply for funding from their home universities to defray travel costs. Coffee, lunch, and dinner will be covered for the duration of the workshop. Questions can be sent to Yana Skorobogatov at the address: Proposals should be submitted at the following link: