Travel: Human Rights Summer Program (AJC)

Deadline for Registration: April 17, 2017

June 18-25, 2017
DEADLINE: April 17, 2017

The Human Rights Summer Program is a one-week intensive program for students and young professionals, utilizing Poland as a case study to examine broader human rights issues. Poland’s dynamic history makes it a unique location to study historic and contemporary human rights issues—from the Holocaust to the modern refugee crisis.

HRSP uses Polish-Jewish relations as a background case study, allowing participants to examine activism and social change locally through experienced histories, individuals, and institutions. The program’s approach addresses broad concepts in the human rights field by focusing on historical and contemporary Poland, which offers lessons that can be applied globally.

During the program, meals, accommodation, entrance fees, lectures, materials, and transportation are included in the $1,199 program fee. For more information, please contact

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