Deadline for Spring 2018 internship: Oct 30, 2017.
Intern at the Adam Mickiewicz Institute in Warsaw for UT students and recent graduates
The Adam Mickiewicz Institute is accepting applications for semester-long unpaid internships during the academic year. The internship is open to UT graduate students and undergraduate students in their junior and senior years as well as recent graduates. Internships will take place at the Warsaw editorial office of, a leading website about Polish culture run by the institute.
• Current student at UT Austin
• Outstanding writing and editing skills (in English)
• Previous experience with website content management systems and/or social media
• Interest in Polish culture
Knowledge of Polish or enrollment in Polish language study or tutoring is preferred, but only required to receive travel funding.
Interns will collaborate with the editorial team of the English version of They will be expected to work on-site, Monday-Friday from 10am to 4pm during the duration of the 2-3 month internship (exact dates to be arranged with staff).
The intern’s daily duties will include:
• Preparing press materials for publication on the website
• Compose or edit written content about Polish culture
• Promote the website through link building and social media activity
• Publish content on the website
• Assist the web publishing team with the upkeep of the website
NOTE: Specialized internships can also be arranged for the following areas of focus:
graphic design, podcasting, film editing, and translation.
Please clearly state your interest in whichever area you are hoping to work and describe your qualifications in the area in your cover letter.
The Offer:
• A friendly, English-speaking work environment in Warsaw’s trendiest district
• An introduction to the basic techniques of internet marketing
• Opportunities to publish original articles on one of Poland’s leading English-language websites
• Connections to potential housing options in Warsaw
• $1,000 professional development award from the UT Polish Studies Endowment for interns who qualify.*
*Note: Must either plan to study Polish while in Warsaw, be interested in Polish cultural studies, or have Polish language background to qualify for this funding.
Interns must cover all travel costs as well as rent, food and entertainment while in Warsaw. Interns who receive the professional development award must also agree to and complete the following conditions:
- Write and submit a news article with photos about their experience while abroad to be published on both the Slavic Department and Austin Polish Society website.
- Write a thank you letter to the donors of the Austin Polish Society, who have made funding for the scholarship possible, and plan to speak about the experience at an Austin Polish Society member meeting upon return to Austin.
To Apply:
Submit the following materials to the UTBox upload widget below by the application deadline:
- Current CV & Reference (1-2 page CV, file name: LastName-CV.pdf) – Be sure to include contact information for a professional or academic reference at the bottom or last page of the CV file, including their title, name, email and phone number, as well as how/when you worked together. It is best practice to notify the person you are including as a reference in case they are contacted about your application.
- Cover letter (file name: LastName-CoverLetter.pdf)
- English-language writing sample (file name: LastName-Sample.pdf) – a blog post, article, or paper from a class will do
Please direct inquiries to:
Agnes Sekowski, CREEES
Office hours: 10am–5pm in BUR 440
Adam Zulawski, Adam Mickiewicz Institute