Funding: Austin Branch Fellowship (AAUW)

Deadline for Applications: March 19, 2018

American Association of University Women (AAUW) Austin Branch Fellowships for Doctoral Candidates at The University of Texas at Austin –2018-2019 Academic Year

AAUW Austin Branch will award 1-3 fellowships this year, each in the amount of at least $2,000,
to female doctoral candidates. This award has been established to assist women who require
financial aid to complete their doctoral program. A prerequisite for consideration for the
Fellowship is doctoral committee approval of the dissertation proposal. The Fellowship Selection Committee expects that announcement of the awards will be made by April 13, 2018.

Eligibility and Selection Criteria

Women who have been formally admitted to doctoral candidacy at the University of Texas at
Austin and whose cumulative graduate school grade point average is 3.5 or better are eligible. All fields of study are eligible. Both USA citizens and non-citizens are eligible. Selection will be based on need, academic record, submitted reference letters, and the applicant’s statement.

Application and Selection Procedure

1. Download the application form (PDF file) from:
2. Print out and complete the application, supplying all of the required information.
3. Request that three (3) letters of reference be forwarded to the Graduate School Office to the attention of Ann Page. Please make sure your references submit their letters on or before the application deadline.
4. Your complete application and all three letters of reference must be received in the Graduate
School Office (MAI 101) no later than 5:00 PM CST on Monday, March 19, 2018.
Reference letters can be emailed to Ann Page at
5. Emails will be sent to all applicants announcing the awards.
6. All portfolios become the property of AAUW Austin Branch.
7. Funds will be available shortly after enrollment verification in the Fall 2018 and Spring 2019

Responsibilities of Fellowship Recipients
Notify the Fellowship Selection Committee Chair of your acceptance, immediately and in writing. Use of email for this purpose is encouraged.
1. Attend the AAUW Austin Branch meeting on Saturday, May 12, 2018, as the guest of the
Branch, if at all possible.
2. Submit a brief written report to the Selection Committee Chair no later than June 1, 2019,
on your use of the fellowship.
Application Tips and Hints

Your application and all three letters of reference must be received in the Graduate School Office no later than 5:00 PM CST on Monday, March 19, 2018. You are strongly encouraged to follow-up with the faculty members who are writing reference letters on your behalf, to ensure that all letters are received in the Graduate School Office before the deadline and made part of your portfolio. The Selection Committee is unable to consider incomplete portfolios. Please do not use the back sides of pages and please paper-clip rather than staple together the pages.

If you are formally admitted to doctoral candidacy during the late months of the Fall 2017 semester or the early months of the Spring 2018 semester, you may need to take action to ensure that your student record accurately reflects your candidacy status as of the application deadline.

You are strongly encouraged to follow-up with the Graduate School Office to ensure that adequate documentation of your formal admittance to doctoral candidacy is received before the deadline and is attached to your portfolio. The Selection Committee is unable to consider applicants whose status as doctoral candidates, as of the deadline date, is not verified by the Graduate School Office.


If you have any questions, please contact the Fellowship Selection Committee Chair, Jean Bessent, via email at

AAUW Austin Branch President
Mary Ellen Scribner
512.255.8428 (H)
512.698.5539 (C)

Fellowship Selection Committee Chair
Jean Bessent