Graduate Program: Slavic Studies (USC)

Deadline for Applications: December 01, 2017

The department of Slavic Languages and Literatures invites applications from well-qualified students. Thier dynamic faculty have wide-ranging research interests with particular concentration in Russian literature and culture of the modern era.  In addition to the core of faculty whose focus is literature (Greta Matzner-Gore, Sarah Pratt, Thomas Seifrid, Alexander Zholkovsky) they have a specialist in eastern European cinema (Anna Krakus) and will be joined in the Spring 2018 semester by their new colleague, Kelsey Rubin-Detlev, a scholar of 18th-century Russian literature and culture. They also anticipate making another senior hire in the next year.  They offer competitive funding, with five years of support (3 on fellowship, 2 teaching) which includes tuition and health insurance.

Additionally, the Los Angeles area itself, with its abundance of cultural resources  makes USC an exciting place at which to do graduate work (for a sampling of the areas attractions, see

Basic information about their faculty and program is available on their web site –  For information on how to apply, please see They offer excellent opportunities for graduate support leading to the PhD, starting with standard five-year packages that include three years of fellowship support and two teaching years, tuition, and health insurance.