Deadline for application: January 15, 2018
The EHA supports research in economic history through multiple grant programs. Most of these are administered by the Committee on Research in Economic History (CREH) and one by the Annual Meetings Program Committee.
All applicants for or recipients of an EHA grant or prize must be members of the Association, and all application materials must be submitted electronically. To join, go online to where you can use the online shopping cart to most efficiently join the EHA. You can also join by printing out a membership form at the membership site and sending it in with a check or credit card.
The following programs are for those who have not yet received the Ph.D. degree:
Graduate Dissertation Fellowships:
Students with approved topics and making progress towards completion are eligible for Dissertation Fellowships. Students at early stages of dissertation development are not eligible for fellowship support. Funds awarded during this application cycle are intended to provide support during the 2017-18 academic year. Applicants must be members of the Association, and dissertation fellowships are not renewable.
There are three different types of dissertation fellowships, with names reflecting the source of funding for the fellowship. An applicant files a single application to be considered for all three types and can receive at most one fellowship. The three types of awards are the:
EHA Graduate Fellowships ($10,000)
Cambridge University Press Dissertation Fellowship ($10,000) This award is made possible through an endowment created through a partnership between Cambridge University Press and the Economic History association signaling a commitment to the development of the future leaders of the field, whose research will direct the study of economic history throughout the world.
Sokoloff Fellowship ($15,000) Thanks to a generous gift from Ken Sokoloff’s estate and other individual contributions, this fellowship honors the major contributions of Kenneth Sokoloff to economic history, and in particular his care and concern for the many students he introduced to economic history.
Please direct any questions about these fellowships to Professor Christian Dippel, chair, Committee on Research in Economic History, at Applicants are asked to submit a CV, a project description and two letters of reference (one of which should be from the dissertation committee chair). It is the applicant’s responsibility to contact letter writers and provide them with the submission directions. Letters can be uploaded at Please note that where the application asks for a 5 page project description (including references cited), this is to be double spaced with at least one inch margins on all sides and font size no less than 11 point.
Submit a Graduate Fellowship application.
Deadline for Applications: January 15, 2018. Awards announced by February 28, 2018.
Exploratory Travel and Data Grants
Exploratory Travel and Data Grants are early stage grants for doctoral students writing a dissertation in economic history. They provide funding for specific research purposes (for example, visiting archives, data transcription, or purchase of microfilm or CD-ROMs) and in most instances will not exceed $2,500. They are nonrenewable, but recipients are eligible to apply subsequently for a Graduate dissertation fellowship (see above).
Please direct any questions about these fellowships to Professor Christian Dippel, chair, Committee on Research in Economic History, at Applicants must be current members of the Association. Please note that where the application asks for a 3 page project description, this is to be double spaced with at least one inch margins on all sides and font size no less than 11 point. This includes references you cite. For the application to be complete your dissertation advisor should upload a reference letter to: It is the applicant’s responsibility to request the letter.
You file one application for the Pre-Dissertation Exploratory Grants. Two of the grant recipients will receive the Cambridge University Press Pre-Dissertation Exploratory Grants which are funded by an endowment created by Cambridge University Press and the Economic History Association to demonstrate both organizations’ commitment to the development of the future leaders of the field, whose research will direct the study of economic history throughout the world.
Deadline for Applications: January 15, 2018. Awards announced by February 28, 2018.
Students may apply for either the graduate dissertation fellowships or for the exploratory travel and data grants, but not both in the same year.
Annual Meetings Travel and Hotel Subsidies
Poster Session
Intended for disseminating preliminary results from graduate thesis work. Those accepted receive the following support:
- Travel subsidies up to $500 for domestic flights or train fare, up to $800 for international flights.
- Complimentary hotel rooms (double occupancy, shared with another graduate student) for up to 3 nights.
- 60 percent discount on the registration fee
- 80 percent discount on the Saturday Presidential Banquet
- Free dinner with other graduate students Friday night.
Submit a poster by clicking here. Applicants will need to provide a 250 word abstract, a current CV, and request a letter of support from their dissertation advisor. Poster sessions are intended for those in the process of pursuing their Ph.D. degree. Deadline for applications: May 22, 2018. Awards announced by June 22, 2018.
Graduate students who have presented a poster are eligible for the dissertation session in a subsequent year, but may present a poster session only once during their graduate career. If a student applies both for the dissertation session and to present a poster, and the student is accepted to be part of the dissertation session, a prior invitation to present a poster that year will be withdrawn. Participating in the poster session does not preclude submitting a paper and having it accepted for the regular program the following year.
Graduate students interested in attending the annual meeting but not participating in the poster session are eligible, depending on funding availability, for up to three nights’ complimentary hotel room (double occupancy, shared with another graduate student). Send requests to the Jari Eloranta ( Applicants must be members of the Association. Deadline: July 6, 2018. Awards announced by July 27, 2018. Questions about the poster session should be directed to Professor Ralph Meisenzahl, chair of the program committee (
Ph.D. recipients selected for the dissertation session will receive a travel subsidy. See procedures for applying for the Nevins or Gerschenkron prizes.
Conditions of Support:
All recipients of EHA fellowship and grant support must file a short (one or two page) report on how they spent their money and how it facilitated their research. This report should be filed by August 31 of the year subsequent to receipt of the funds and can be sent as an email attachment to the chair of the Committee on Research in Economic History (