Deadline for Applications: December 05, 2017
Call for Papers: Constructivist Criticism Workshop

A colloquium for graduate students in social sciences and humanities, studying Russia, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and the Caucasus to present works in progress.
This workshop is organized by a group of graduate students working in the broader Eurasia region, spread throughout the Comparative Literature, History and Anthropology departments at the University of Pennsylvania. Our goal for this workshop is to build community with colleagues along the Eastern seaboard and to create a forum for sharing and workshopping research in progress. We’ve been holding similar workshops (under the heading of Slavics without Borders) for 4-5 years, and these events have typically drawn graduate students and faculty from COML/Slavic, History, Anthropology, Art History and Annenberg, as well as junior and senior faculty from the greater Delaware Valley community.
The topic of the workshop is open, and the meetings are informal, workshop format, typically running for 2-3 hours, at which we spend 45 minutes per paper. We welcome future conference papers, dissertation prospectuses, and early-stage dissertation chapters. If you’re interested in presenting, please write to Helen Stuhr-Rommereim ( by Dec. 5, 2017 with a brief description of the paper topic, and the stage of your research. The papers will be pre-circulated a few days before the event to Penn department list-servs.