CFP: CIEE Annual Conference (Barcelona, Spain)

Deadline for Submissions: February 12, 2018


Across the country and around the world, exciting new educational models are emerging in an effort to prepare students for learning and working in the digital age. Flipped classrooms, artificial intelligence, online learning, competency-based education, adaptive learning, collaborative education, phenomenon-based learning, and design thinking are a few of the innovative approaches being used in higher education.

How can we broaden and accelerate this trend, especially in international education? What new education models successfully empower students to become innovators – skilled at not just adapting to change, but leading it? True, technology continues to make the world more interconnected and intercultural relationships more accessible – but that alone doesn’t prepare students to thrive in a constantly-changing world. Today’s students must be skillful at collaborating within diverse teams, understanding and appreciating global challenges, and looking at issues from multiple angles; all qualities which study abroad supports in meaningful ways – and which may rival the importance of obtaining proficiency in one discipline.

Questions before us include:

  • How can we take experiential learning abroad to the next level – to not only inform students but to form them?
  • How can we empower our students to be leaders of innovation so they can solve complex world problems?
  • How can we ensure new student-centered models emphasize global competencies like creativity, collaboration, and adaptability?
  • How does new educational technology encourage students to focus on global challenges?
  • How can we train students to break the single-discipline approach when addressing complex problems and instead use intercultural, interdisciplinary collaboration?

As a community of international educators, let us innovate and create the experiential learning models that empower students to change the world.

Submit A Proposal

The CIEE Annual Conference features concurrent sessions and a poster fair. Submit a proposal that reflects fresh ideas, new education models, research, experiences, and knowledge that address the new realities of study abroad. Submit a proposal by February 12, 2018.

Proposals should reflect the theme of Leading Innovation: Educating Global Citizens in the Digital Age in the following areas:

Maximizing Student Learning

  • Academic disciplines – including but not limited to: business and entrepreneurship, environment pre-med/health, and STEM
  • Intercultural development – intentional experiential learning and reflection
  • Language learning – myths, outcomes, and open questions
  • New pedagogies – including but not limited to: flipped classrooms, artificial intelligence, online learning, competency-based education, adaptive learning, collaborative education, and phenomenon-based learning, and design thinking
  • Online learning/educational technology
  • World religions and comparative religious studies abroad

Designing Innovative Models

  • Pre-departure and re-entry
  • Program assessment and evaluation – closing the feedback loop
  • Service learning – ethics and accountability
  • Short-term programs – measuring the impact
  • Student research
  • Study away/domestic programs
  • Thematic and interdisciplinary studies of global citizenship – including but not limited to: leadership, peace and conflict studies, sustainability in the Anthropocene, and social justice

Creating a Global Campus

  • Campus internationalization – what’s next?
  • Community colleges
  • International education advocacy and leadership
  • High school / GAP year to college pathways
  • Leveraging technology in the classroom to connect with the world
  • Professional development and supporting faculty/administrators new to study abroad

Meeting Student Needs

  • Emotional and mental health services for students
  • Global safety – crisis management and response
  • Supporting diverse students as trailblazers and future global leaders
  • Supporting students of faith

For more information, and to submit your proposal, click here.