Funding: Best Student Paper and Field Research-Travel Award (Eurasian Specialty Group of the AAG)

Deadline for Submissions: April 1, 2018

Student Paper Award
The Eurasian Specialty Group of the American Association of Geographers invites submissions from all students who will have presented their work at a geography conference between May 2017 and April 2018, or who intend to present their work at the AAG, New Orleans.
An award of $150 will be made to the best undergraduate or graduate student paper submitted to the Eurasian SG Student Paper Award Committee (c/o Jeremy Tasch,  Deadline: April 1, 2018.
1.     The competition is open to all student members of the AAG (in rare cases the Committee may consider non-members)
2.     Papers will be judged on their overall quality, creativity and contribution to furthering the geographical understanding of Eurasia, broadly conceptualized. Work that is regionally well informed and demonstrates familiarity with the appropriate scholarly literature is particularly encouraged.
3.     Papers should be single-authored, double-spaced, 12-point font, and no more than 20 pages in length (i.e., 3,000 to 8,000 words), excluding references, tables, maps and figures, and a required abstract.
4.     In the electronic submission, authors should indicate their name, institution, and level of study (BA, MA, PhD), as well as when / which conference the paper was / will be presented.
5.     To be considered for this award, electronic submissions are due April 1 (c/o
Please direct any questions you may have about the Student Paper Competition to Jeremy Tasch,
Field Research Travel Award
The Eurasian-SG Field Research Travel Award supports student field research or research-related language study. The amount for this year’s award is $250.00.
Interested graduate or undergraduate students should submit a research proposal by April 1 to the Awards Committee (c/o
Guidelines for the awards:
1.   The competition is open to all student members of the AAG (in rare cases the Committee may consider non-members).
2.   AAG encourages proposals for exploratory and pre-dissertation field research, as well as projects that combine research and area studies (i.e., courses taken in the region) if a compelling case is made. Such proposals should clearly indicate research questions or research themes, significance and goals of the proposed travel, and a brief budget narrative that describes how the monetary award will be used.
3.   Dissertation-related proposals should be approximately 8-10 pages in length, 12 point, and double spaced.  The proposal should clearly include research questions, a brief literature review, methodology, significance and goals of the proposed work (and again, a brief budget narrative that describes how the monetary award will be used).
4.   If a student has already incurred expenses listed in the budget by the time of the award announcement, the student may use the award to cover those expenses.
5.   To be considered for this award, electronic submissions are due April 1 (c/o
Please direct any questions you may have about either/both competitions to Jeremy Tasch (