Deadline for Applications: August 1, 2018
To fulfill its commitment to advance research in religion, the American Academy of Religion each year grants awards ranging from $500 to $5000 to support projects proposed by AAR members and selected by the AAR Research Grants Jury. The research projects can be either collaborative or individual.
Collaborative research grants are intended to stimulate cooperative research among scholars who have a focus on a clearly identified research project. They may also be used for interdisciplinary work with scholars outside the field of religion, especially when such work shows promise of continuing beyond the year funded. Collaborative project proposals are expected to describe plans for having the results of the research published.
Grant awards range from $500 to $5000. These grants can provide funds for networking and communication. Funds may also be used to support small research conferences. Conference proposals will be considered only if they are designed primarily to advance research. Conferences presenting papers that report on previous research will not be considered.
Examples of previously funded collaborative research projects include:
- Symposium to comment on and critique chapters for an edited book
- Developing a typology of religious board games and toys
- Research, interviews, and observations of reconciliation programs in Ireland
- Conference to discuss approaches to translating, and writing interpretive chapters for, a book
Funds are not provided for research assistance, supplemental salary, stipends, or released time, publication and/or subvention costs, transcription costs, or travel to attend the AAR Annual Meetings.
Please view the Frequently Asked Questions for additional information.
2018–2019 Research Grant Application Cycle: May 1 to August 1, 2018
Deadline: Proposals must be uploaded to the AAR website by 11:59 PM Eastern Time on August 1, 2018.
Submissions should be sent through this portal
For more information see the AAR website