Deadline for Applications: August 24, 2018
The PhD program in Politics, Culture, and Society in the Contemporary World is an interdisciplinary program organized by the Faculty of International and Political Studies (FIPS) at the Jagiellonian University. The teaching language of the program is English, though both Polish and international students are welcomed to apply.
The duration of the program is 4 years with the annual fee of 4200 EUR, and the successful graduates will be awarded with a PhD title in the social sciences and humanities.
The program consists of three main modules:
1) obligatory and elective courses;
2) academic skills courses;
3) teaching skills courses; as well as an obligatory foreign language course.
Depending on the chosen research track followed by PhD candidates, they will be qualified to conduct research in political science or cultural studies. The graduates are also able to successfully perform teaching activities and are familiar with ways to gain financial resources to fund their research. They are prepared to take up a professional career in academia, as analysts in the public sector, think-tanks, research institutes and NGOs.
24/08 – 05/09 – registration of applications
11/09 – interviews with the candidates
24/09 – announcements of the ranking list
25-26/09 – enrolment
more details on the admission procedure and required documents can be found here: