Deadline for Applications: October 15, 2018
DAAD Study Scholarships and Long-Term Research Grants for 2019/2020
Deadline for pre-selection at the University of Texas at Austin: 10/15/2018
In order to foster academic exchange at the graduate level, DAAD offers grants and scholarships for students with at least a Bachelor’s degree to either study or research in Germany.·
Terms of Award:
- Monthly stipends are approximately € 750 for graduate students/€ 1000 for doctoral students and postdocs. DAAD will cover health insurance and provide a flat arte subsidy for travel costs. In addition, limited funds are available for a rent subsidy and family allowance.
Funding Period:
If you would like to submit an application please feel free to contact Dr. Barbara Laubenthal for further information:
Study Scholarships are offered for a full Master’s degree program at a German university or for study at a German university as part of a postgraduate or Master’s degree program completed in the home country.
Long-term Research Grants are awarded to candidates who have completed a Master’s degree, postdocs, individuals wishing to earn a doctoral degree in Germany, or in exceptional cases those with a Bachelor’s degree at the latest by the time they begin their grant-supported research.
- Study Scholarship: between 10 and 24 months depending on the length of the chosen study program
- Long-term Research Grants are awarded for periods of 7-10 months. Applicants wishing to complete a doctoral degree program in Germany can only apply for the long-term research grant. They may receive up to three one-year extensions.
The application should include the following documents:
- Full resume
- study proposal of max. 3 pages that includes a narrative about academic and personal reasons for the planned study explaining why a particular program has been chosen and how it will further your educational and career goals. No format restrictions regarding font, spacing and paragraphs
- transcript of all university studies with individual grades
Please note: Applicants for grants in the fields of architecture, music, performing arts and fine art, design/Visual Communication and Film must submit their applications directly to DAAD Bonn, Germany (also, different deadlines); they can not participate in the UT preselection. Candidates from all other fields can apply for the UT preselection process.
Please submit applications both via the DAAD online application portal and per email as a PDF file to Dr. Barbara Laubenthal, Department of Germanic Studies, by 10/15/2018.
Please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Laubenthal with any questions. Further information is available at: