Deadline for Applications: December 1, 2018
Wisconsin Russia Project postdoctoral research fellowships for social scientists, funded with a grant from Carnegie Corporation of New York.
January 15, 2019-July 14, 2020.
Fellows are expected to conduct research about Russia in one or more of the five topic areas: 1) Education, labor markets, and inequality; 2) Law and society; 3) Political economy; 4) Identity, place, and migration; and 5) Demographic change. CREECA especially seeks applicants with expertise in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) modeling and/or public policy issues, though these are not absolute requirements for consideration.
Due to the compressed timeline, only U.S. citizens and permanent residents are eligible for consideration during this round.
A second competition for postdocs will be announced, running September 1, 2019 – August 31, 2020 that will be open to citizens of the Russian Federation and other countries.
For more information on the postdoctoral research fellowships:
Applications due December 1, 2018.