Deadline to Submit: January 18, 2019
Canadian Association of Slavists annual conference is approaching! Paper and panel proposals are due by January 19th. All are welcome, but note that you will need to join the Canadian Association of Slavists to attend the conference. See below for details:
Canadian Association of Slavists Annual Conference
June 1-3, 2019
University of British Columbia, Vancouver
The annual conference of the Canadian Association of Slavists will take place at the University of British Columbia (Vancouver, BC) in early June 2019. The CAS Annual Conference is held as a part of the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences with more than 70 national associations in attendance. The theme of the 2019Congress is “Circles of Conversation.” More information is available here:
This year, the CAS conference overlaps with the annual meetings of a number of associations, including: Canadian Association of University Teachers of German, Canadian Association of Hispanists, Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science, Canadian Linguistic Association, Canadian Society for the History of Medicine, Hungarian Studies Association of Canada, Canadian Disability Studies Association, Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English, Canadian Philosophical Association, and the Canadian Society for the Study of Religion. Please consult this calendar for the full list of associations, dates, and other details:
Proposals for interdisciplinary panels with other associations are very welcome. They are always a highlight at the CAS conference. Additional funding from the Federation is available for such panels.
Proposals are invited for individual papers, panels, and roundtable discussions. Complete panels are preferred.
Forms for panel, roundtable and individual proposals are available on the CAS website:
Please follow our abstract specifications when submitting your proposal(s).
The conference welcomes papers from the wide range of disciplines devoted to the study of central and eastern Europe, the Balkans, Eurasia, Russia, the Soviet Union, and the post-Soviet space. In the past, this has included panels on (in alphabetical order):
• Cinema
• Folklore and Ethnographies
• History
• Linguistics (comparative and Slavic)
• Literatures and Cultures
• Pedagogy and Second Language Acquisition (teaching of individual skills; curriculum design, presentation of new teaching materials; use of technology in language teaching; study abroad; etc.).
• Politics, Policy and Governance
• Religion
The meeting of the Canadian Association of Ukrainian Studies (CAUS) is traditionally part of the CAS conference and therefore Ukrainian Studies are always very prominently represented at the CAS Annual Meeting, including panels on, for example, Ukrainian folklore and ethnography; diaspora studies; Ukrainian Canadian literature; museum studies; Holodomor studies; Ukrainian history, literature, politics, and culture.
Early career scholars and graduate students are especially encouraged to participate. We kindly ask our senior CAS membership to support graduate students in applying. Some funds are available to graduate students to help with the cost of attending the conference. An application form for the 2019 Travel Grant will be sent out in March 2019 by the Secretary-Treasurer and will also be available on the CAS website.
Deadline for all proposals is Friday, January 18, 2019.
All proposals should be sent to the Program Chair, Katherine Bowers, at
CAS members can use the Canadian Slavonic Papers (CSP) mailing list to help them form panels and roundtables:
For any further questions, suggestions or concerns please contact:
• Katherine Bowers, CAS 2019 Program Chair and Local Arrangements Coordinator,