Prof. Dev. : International Affairs Fellowship

Deadline: October 31, 2019

The IAF Program is only open to mid-career professionals who have a demonstrated commitment to a career in foreign policy. The program welcomes applicants from a broad range of professional, academic, and personal backgrounds. Although a PhD is not a requirement, selected fellows generally hold an advanced degree and possess a strong record of work experience as well as a firm grounding in the field of foreign policy. The program does not fund pre- or postdoctoral research, work toward a degree, or the completion of projects on which substantial progress has been made prior to the fellowship period. Qualified candidates must be U.S. citizens.

The duration of the fellowship is twelve months, preferably beginning in September. The program awards a stipend of $100,000.

For those seeking to spend the fellowship year in the U.S. government, CFR will work with the fellow to identify a U.S. government agency willing to serve as a host. The placement is made at the discretion of the host agency and is contingent on the fellow’s successfully obtaining a security clearance, which is granted solely by the U.S. government.

For those seeking to spend the fellowship year at an international organization or an academic institution, CFR will work with the fellow to identify an organization willing to serve as a host. The placement is made at the discretion of the host organization. A security clearance may not be required.