Call for Submissions: Russian Language Journal

Deadline: May 1, 2020

The Russian Language Journal invites submission of articles for inclusion in a special issue dedicated to Digital Humanities, co-edited by Thomas Garza ( and Robert Reynolds (, to be published Dec 2020.

Submissions should relate to the intersection of any treatment, field, or methodology of Digital Humanities with any topic that falls under the stated scope of the RLJ, including Russian language, culture, and the acquisition of Russian as a second language. Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Digital and computational approaches and applications in literary and linguistic fields, including computational text analysis, stylometry, authorship attribution, digital philology or textual scholarship;
  • Intelligent Computer-Assisted Language Learning (ICALL), including automatic exercise generation, automatic readability/complexity analysis, grammatically intelligent information retrieval or web search, automatic error correction, or intelligent tutoring systems;
  • Automatic assessment of second-language reading, writing, speaking, or listening proficiency;
  • Creation and maintenance of large digital corpora, treebanks, dictionaries, or other digital linguistic resources;
  • Digital approaches in music, film, theatre, and media studies; electronic art and literature, digital activism, etc.;
  • Cultural heritage, digital cultural studies, and research undertaken by digital cultural institutions;
  • Social, cultural, and political aspects of Digital Humanities including digital feminisms, digital indigenous studies, digital cultural and ethnic studies, digital black studies, digital queer studies, digital geopolitical studies, multilingualism and multiculturalism in DH, eco-criticism and environmental humanities as they intersect with the Digital Humanities;
  • Theoretical, epistemological, methodological or historical aspects of Digital Humanities;
  • Institutional aspects of DH, interdisciplinary aspects of scholarship, open science, public humanities, societal engagement and impact of DH;
  • Digital Humanities pedagogy and academic curricula;
  • Any other theme pertaining to the intersection of Digital Humanities and the Russian language.

Contributions may be written in either English or Russian, and should generally be no longer than 7000 words. More detailed explanations regarding submission policies and procedures can be found at Submissions should be sent by email to either of the co-editors no later than 1 May 2020.

Robert Reynolds,

Thomas Garza,