Deadline: August 2020
Translation and Interpreting Studies program (UWM TIS).
Due to stringent and immediate budget cuts imposed by our administration, the Russian to English track is “likely to be suspended for the foreseeable future” (read: cancelled) unless more students enroll in the 3-credit-hour Introductory Russian to English Translation Workshop *this fall*. I have been informed that our admin is aware of the value of TIS, of Russian expertise, etc.; still, something must go in order for the department to comply with system-wide financial measures, so this Russian translation seminar is on the chopping block unless enrollment increases enough to make the course profitable.
If you or someone you know might be interested in Russian to English translation, please reach out to Anne Fisher at fisherao AT uwm DOT edu so she can expedite your UWM application and free 2-hour online qualifying exam.
If you don’t want a Certificate or an MA, you just want the learning experience, you can sign up for just this class as a non-degree student, in which case no qualifying exam is required. Speaking as someone who started out as a non-translating academic, then converted to translation later in life, I humbly submit there’s no more interesting, demanding, or effective way to hone your knowledge of both languages (source and target) than translation. Not to mention that translation is a valuable professional skill that you can piggyback onto your extant language skills.
This introductory translation course is asynchronous and online. The UWM semester begins on September 2.