K-12 Russian Language Addition to Teaching Licenses

The Robert F. Byrnes Russian and East European Institute (REEI) of Indiana University seeks to expand the ranks of qualified and licensed pre-college teachers of Russian in the United States through an initiative that is funded by its Title VI National Resource Center grant from the US Department of Education.

In many states, currently licensed K-12 teachers with proficiency in Russian can add Russian as a subject area to their current teaching licenses by passing a standardized test or tests for Russian (ACTFL, Praxis, or other). REEI is prepared to cover the cost of such testing.

Currently licensed K-12 teachers with a good command of Russian and interest in adding Russian as a subject area to their licenses should send to Mark Trotter at martrott@indiana.edu an email with the following information:

1)     Name

2)     Email address

3)     Name and address of school where employed

4)     State for which currently licensed

5)     Subject(s)  (and, if pertinent, grade levels) currently licensed to teach

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