Call for Submissions: Scholarly Papers 2021 Prize (Nabokov Society)

Deadline for Nominations: April 30th, 2021

The International Vladimir Nabokov Society is currently seeking submissions for its 2021 Prizes, generously funded by the Vladimir Nabokov Literary Foundation, for excellence in undergraduate and graduate-level work, published articles, and books. Work can be self-nominated. Instructors are invited to nominate students. The deadline for nominations is April 30th.
Further information is available at:

Prizes include

Jane Grayson Best First Book Prize

Awarded annually for a first book that makes a significant contribution to Nabokov studies. Value $1500. 

Dieter E. Zimmer Prize for Best Postgraduate Work on Nabokov

Awarded annually, to the best work on Nabokov done at master’s level, or as coursework towards a master’s or a PhD, or to a chapter of a PhD dissertation. Value $1500.

Ellen Pifer Prize for Best Undergraduate Student Essay on Nabokov

Awarded annually for an undergraduate essay of any length. Value $200. The student’s advisor must sign an endorsement. Professors should nominate exceptional student essays by contacting the President and Vice-President of the IVNS, Lara Delage-Toriel and Siggy Frank,

And more!