Deadline: June 30, 2021
Nowadays Central-Eastern and Southeastern Europe (MOSO) presents itself ethnically, culturally, linguistically and religiously as a highly heterogeneous area. This picture is shaped by a rich and eventful history, imperial and post-imperial influences in the region, political ruptures, the formation of nation-states and migration. In the meantime, the diversity of nationalities has solidified in a colourful world of nation-states, in which almost every nation has its own national territory.
However, the very idea of the homogeneous nation-state often means that different minorities are included in individual countries. These minorities were often repeatedly suppressed or attempted to be assimilated with a view to homogenisation. In recent decades, however, efforts to integrate minorities and their recognition in MOSO have increased. But the policies of the respective countries towards their (often several) minorities are still at stake.
Minorities can be identified and viewed from different perspectives. The most obvious are ethnic minorities, which almost all MOSO states encapture in their border areas (e.g. Hungarians in Slovakia, Greeks and Macedonians in Albania) or emerged through territorial changes in a state (e.g. Hungarians in Romania, Turks in Bulgaria). But there are also cultural, linguistic and denominational/religious minorities. These aspects can also occur in combination (e.g. Orthodox Greeks in Albania).
Even if the repressive policy against minorities has already waned in most countries, this topic is still relevant and widely discussed. Especially referring to minorities who have no other state to “advocate” for them, such as the Roma, who live as a minority in many countries in Central-Eastern and Southeastern Europe, and are often economically and socially restricted.
Which minorities are there in MOSO? How are these perceived? How visible are minorities in general? Who sees themselves as a minority and why? What types of exclusion and discrimination are there against minorities? What about targeted minority policy or protection in the MOSO countries? Are there governmental and/or non-governmental initiatives to change the situation of minorities? In order to tackle these (and other topic-related) questions, we are proposing a call for articles.
Your paper should be no longer than 2500–3000 words and should partially focus on political analysis, containing well-researched information from reliable sources, as well as references. The paper can be written in German or English. The topic may refer to a state from Central-Eastern or Southeastern Europe, a person, process, contrasts or any other relevant issue. Be investigative, and let your political creativity evolve!
The writers will be selected based on an initial concept (300 – 400 words), respectively an idea of the paper they plan to write. Deadline is June 30th 2021 for this outline. We are looking forward to receiving your contribution at Selected papers will be published and promoted on as well as on social media. The best contribution will additionally be recognised with a certificate and a prize money of 100 Euro.