CFP: AATSEEL Roundtable: Testing and Assessment

Deadline: July 1; August 15, 2021

Diverse teaching approaches require different types of assessment. Many of us have been teaching online during the 2020-2021 academic year and have encountered multiple instances when our approaches to testing needed to be adjusted. We invite you to share your observations and teaching experiences from Slavic and East European classrooms at our roundtable.

This roundtable will bring to the discussion the diversity of assessment types and will focus on the best practices from the prior years in project-based teaching, task-based instruction, content-based approach, problem-based methods and other related approaches.

Possible topics to discuss about testing in Russian and other Slavic languages:
Formative and summative testing
Performance assessment
Challenges of testing online
Did our approaches in understanding of the test validity change during online teaching?
Effectiveness of testing during online, in-person, and hybrid classes
‘Smartphone’ testing VS in-person on-paper testing
Proficiency testing
Grammar-oriented testing of Elementary and Intermediate levels: traditional and contemporary language learning practices
Project-based language learning and the form of assessment
Multiple-choice testing: pro and cons
Do we need to prepare students for tests?
Task-based instruction and assessment tools
Do we need testing in a language course?