Funding: ASEEES Internship Grant Program

Deadline: March 1, 2022

Call for Applications: ASEEES Internship Grant Program

We invite applications for the ASEEES Internship Grant

This program provides MA, PhD, and professional school students and recent graduates with grants that make it possible for them to accept unpaid or underpaid internships in areas directly related to Russian studies. The program promotes the entry of young scholars with considerable Russian studies expertise into sectors outside of traditional academia. These internships must be in the US and should be substantial in duration and responsibilities, lasting two months for summer internships and four months for internships during a semester in the regular academic year. The grant offers $2,000 a month, to be paid directly to the grantee during their internship. 

*Please help us disseminate the information about this new program by sharing this announcement with any interested graduate students and recent graduates.

Deadline: March 1, 2022