Submissions Wanted: Hungarian Cultural Studies

Deadline: January 10, 2024

Hungarian Cultural Studies—the peer-reviewed, open-access scholarly journal published each summer by the American Hungarian Educators Association—is inviting submissions for our 2024 issue.

Our mission is to publish scholarly, cutting-edge content dedicated to Hungarian studies across the humanities and social science disciplines—including original articles, book reviews, and review articles.

We particularly welcome thematic clusters comprising three or more articles on a unifying theme.

January 10 is the deadline for our annual, summer issue. Don’t have your article ready yet? That’s alright; simply send your idea or abstract (200 words or less) to Paul Olchvary, editor in chief, at

To find out more about the submission process, check our website.

                        About                                      Submissions

Peer reviewers: Our journal relies on volunteers with a diverse array of interests and expertise to review the submissions we receive to our journal. We invite you to sign up to serve as a peer reviewer for the journal. Go to the journal website and create a profile. On the section marked “Reviewing interest,” add your areas of expertise and your reviewing interests. It’s that simple. When articles are submitted in your area of expertise, we may call upon you to review it.

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