Call for Applications: The FY 2024 Group Project Abroad Program Competition Is Now Open 

Deadline: March 18, 2024

The U.S. Department of Education, International and Foreign Language Education (IFLE), FY 2024 GPA program competition is now open. The deadline to apply is March 18, 2024.

Please visit Applicant Information — Fulbright-Hays–Group Projects Abroad Program for additional information about the competition.

Program Description

This program provides grants to support overseas projects in training, research, and curriculum development in modern foreign languages and area studies for teachers, students, and faculty engaged in a common endeavor. Projects may include short-term seminars, curriculum development, group research or study, or advanced intensive language programs.

Types of Projects

There are group projects in research, training, and curriculum development.

Additional Information

Projects must focus on the humanities, social sciences and languages, and must focus on one or more of the following areas: Africa, East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific, the Western Hemisphere (Central and South America, Mexico, and the Caribbean), East Central Europe and Eurasia, and the Near East. Applications that propose projects focused on Canada or Western Europe will not be funded.

The GPA program oversees two competitions. It holds an annual competition for the following:

Short-Term Seminars – A short-term seminar is designed to help integrate international studies into an institution’s or school system’s general curriculum. Seminars normally are five to six weeks in length and focus on a particular aspect of area studies, such as the culture of the area or a portion of the culture.

Short-Term Curriculum Development – A curriculum development team, composed of several faculty members or teachers or administrators, may spend four to six weeks in a foreign country or region acquiring resource materials for curriculum development in the modern foreign language or area studies programs. Resource materials may include artifacts, documents, books, educational films, museum reproductions, recordings, and other instructional materials. The project shall provide a systemic use and dissemination in the US. of the acquired materials.

Short-Term Group Research – Short-Term group research projects are designed to undertake research or study in a country outside of the United States. These projects are a minimum of 12 weeks in the country of study and the performance period for this grant is a maximum of 18 months. Applicants who are interested in longer and more advanced study projects should refer to the long-term overseas project.

Advanced Overseas Intensive Language Projects – An advanced overseas intensive language project is designed to take advantage of the opportunities present in the foreign country by providing intensive advanced foreign language training. Language training shall be given at the advanced level, i.e., at the level equivalent to that provided to students who have successfully completed at least two academic years of language training. The language to be studied shall be indigenous to the host country and maximum use shall be made of local institutions and personnel. Under the grant, an advanced overseas intensive language project period may not exceed 12 months. Project activities may be carried out during a full year, an academic year, a semester, a trimester, a quarter, or a summer.

Federal Register NoticeNotice Inviting Applications for New Awards for FY 2023 for the Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad Program — Short-Term Projects and Long-Term Projects dated January 18, 2024

Current Application

Applications for the FY 2024 GPA competition are submitted online through

Funding Opportunity Number:Short-Term Projects: ED-GRANTS-011824-001 Long-Term Projects: ED-GRANTS-011824-002

Tips and Assistance

Group Projects Abroad Press Kit –  PDF (15.3M)

2024 technical assistance webinars are now available.

IFLE held two technical assistance webinars to help institutions and nonprofit educational entities learn more about the 2024 GPA Program (short-term and long-term awards) and the application process. The webinars provided guidance about the competition priorities, budget, impact and evaluation criteria, and the Performance Measures Form, in addition to other application components. Watch the 2024 webinars on YouTube at the following links:FY 2024 SHORT-TERM Group Projects Abroad Application Technical Assistance: FY 2024 LONG-TERM Group Projects Abroad Application Technical Assistance:

Other helpful resources:Group Projects Abroad Grantee ShowcaseGo Global ED Podcast Group Projects Abroad Podcast

Application Contact
U.S. Department of Education
International and Foreign Language Education
Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad Program
400 Maryland Avenue S.W.
Washington, DC 20202
Main Telephone: (202) 704-3437

IFLE’s vision is to lead the nation in preparing future generations to address global challenges by fostering a deeper understanding of languages, cultures, places, and peoples.