CFP: 49th ASEEES Annual Convention (Chicago, Illinois)

Deadline for Submissions: February 15, 2017

49th ASEEES Annual Convention Call for Proposals
Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile, Nov. 9-12, 2017
[Please note that the dates are earlier than usual]

Convention Theme: Transgressions:  The theme includes the centenary of the 1917 revolution.

The Proposal Submission closes on February 15:  ALL submissions – panel, roundtable, individual paper, lightning round presentation, and meeting request submissions – are due by Feb. 15.

New Session Types for 2017: Beyond the usual panel, roundtable and individual paper submissions, are acceptingBook Discussion Roundtable and Lightning Round Presentation submissions. Please read the descriptions

Rules for Participation:  Please carefully review the rules for participation:

Panelists Wanted Boards: We are anticipating a large number of proposals for the 2017 Convention. Individual paper submissions will have a MUCH LOWER chance of being accepted than panel/roundtable proposals. We STRONGLY encourage all interested participants to form, or become part of, a panel proposal. To assist in the process of forming panels, we have created the Panel/Paper Wanted Board:  If you are looking for a panel to join or a paper presenter for your panel, please review the proposals on the online board. You can also indicate your willingness to volunteer as chair or discussant. You can also post your requests on the new ASEEES Commons: (See below for more information on the ASEEES Commons).

Membership Requirement: ALL individual paper and lightning round presentation submitters and panel/roundtable organizers in the US and abroad MUST be ASEEES members in order to submit a proposal. Please review themembership rules for participation. Renew your membership today:

With any inquiries about the convention, please contact Margaret Manges, the convention manager,  If you need assistance logging into the ASEEES members site or are experiencing other technical difficulties, please contact

ASEEES Commons
We are excited to announce the launch of the new ASEEES Commons:  This online network seeks to support collaboration and dissemination of members’ work. Users can create professional profiles, build websites, create or join groups to connect with colleagues who share their interests, and link to work deposited in CORE, the open-access repository for the humanities. Members can also browse CORE for articles, syllabi, and more. ASEEES Commons is part of the new Humanities Commons, established by the MLA. Register and get started at!  For assistance, contact or

1917 Website on ASEEES Commons

In recognition of the centenary of the 1917 revolution and its impact around the world, ASEEES has created a website to gather resources and information on related events. We will be adding more info to the site throughout the year. If you have resources, course syllabi and events to add, please visit:

Webinar on ASEEES Commons
We have scheduled a webinar, “Introducing ASEEES Commons: Why and How to Use It”? on January 19, 2:00-3:00 pm ET.

This webinar will teach ASEEES members how to use the Commons to increase the reach of their work; to find resources or potential collaborators; and to share materials. The webinar will focus on creating, editing and searching content. Any member interested in understanding how to make Commons and CORE work for them should attend.
For more information and to register:

Other Upcoming Webinars

Feb. 16, 2pm ET “Finding Grants for Your Research Projects”

Feb. 23, 2pm ET “Structuring Your Grant Proposal”
For more information and to register:

Cohen-Tucker Dissertation Research Fellowship Application Deadline January 4:

First Book Subvention Proposal Deadline February 1: