Deadline for application: March 1, 2018
The EHA supports research in economic history through multiple grant programs. Most of these are administered by the Committee on Research in Economic History (CREH) and one by the Annual Meetings Program Committee.
All applicants for or recipients of an EHA grant or prize must be members of the Association, and all application materials must be submitted electronically. To join, go online to where you can use the online shopping cart to most efficiently join the EHA. You can also join by printing out a membership form at the membership site and sending it in with a check or credit card.
Arthur H. Cole Grants in Aid:
The Committee on Research in Economic History awards Arthur H. Cole grants-in-aid to support research in economic history, regardless of time period or geographic area. Awards typically are in amounts up to $5,000, although higher amounts may be awarded in exceptional cases. Applicants must be members of the Association and must hold the Ph.D. degree. Preference is given to recent Ph.D. recipients. Please direct any questions about these grants to Professor Christian Dippel, Committee on Research in Economic History,
Submit a Cole Grant application.
Deadline for applications: March 1, 2018. Awards announced by March 22, 2018.