Study Abroad: Program for Students Abroad (Auschwitz Jewish Center)

Deadline for Applications: February 28, 2018

The AJC PSA was established in 2010 as long-weekend programs in Kraków open to students of all backgrounds. The program, which includes a scholarly visit to Oświęcim/Auschwitz, provides an academic environment through which participants engage intensively with the history of the Holocaust and Jewish life in Poland.

The program takes place during fall and spring semesters and is facilitated by American and Polish staff of the Auschwitz Jewish Center, under the auspices of the Museum of Jewish Heritage—A Living Memorial to the Holocaust in New York. During the program, meals, accommodation, entrance fees, and transportation are provided and included in the $400 program fee.

College and graduate students of all religious, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds and majors are eligible to apply online . All programs begin Thursday evening and end Sunday evening. Housing is available Sunday evening upon request. Participants are responsible for arranging individual transportation to and from Kraków.

For more information click here.