Deadline for Applications: June 1, 2018
Grant-in-Aid Awards
The Immigration History Research Center Archives (IHRCA) offers Grant-in-Aid Awards to support a visit in order to conduct research in our collections. Awards are available through co-sponsorship from the Immigration History Research Center and the IHRCA through the ethnic and general funds.
This award is open to scholars of all levels, including independent scholars, and supports a research visit of 5 days or more. Typically, awards are for $1,000, and four awards are given each year. The application is due June 1 of each year, and IHRCA aims to inform all applicants of their application status within 2 months, by July 30th of same year. The research visit is to occur within the next 13 months.
Grant-in-Aid Awards are intended to help defray expenses of visiting scholars from abroad, and for those in the U.S.A. who are based outside of the Minneapolis-St. Paul (MN) metro area. Awards are made on a competitive basis, and for research specific to the IHRCA’s collections.
The Immigration History Research Center and Archives (IHRC/A) is an internationally known migration studies center and expansive archives documenting immigration to the United States from the latter 19th century to current refugee migrations. Key areas of coverage include European and Near Eastern immigrants (1880-1930) and 20th-century refugees, such as Displaced Persons after World War II and more recent Southeast Asian, African, and other forced migrations. The IHRCA has renowned collections of fraternal organization records, personal papers, and immigrant and refugee assistance organization materials, as well as ethnic print collections. The IHRCA is part of Archives and Special Collections of the University Libraries. It provides renowned collections of fraternal organization records, personal papers, and im/migrant and refugee assistance organization materials, as well as ethnic print collections.
Details and Availability & Terms of Award:
Prior to submitting an application, consult the IHRCA website at to learn about collections and consult with staff via to confirm material availability and relevance to proposed projects; pertinent IHRCA holdings are a required element of the application.
Researchers receiving an IHRCA Grant-in-Aid Award will be expected to be in residence for 5 working days or more; acknowledge the IHRCA and receipt of the award in any resulting publication; donate resulting print publications; and participate in the IHRC/A Global REM (Race, Ethnicity and Migration) and Research in Progress lecture series if able to visit during the academic year. (A brief biography and talk description will be required upon acceptance of the award.)
The award is for travel and research-related expenses, for research in any IHRCA collection/s, and must be used in the next University fiscal year (July-June of the following year).
IHRCA is not able to provide visa assistance to international applicants.
Please note that the award is payable in US funds only; funds are distributed post-visit based upon receipts provided.
Who May Apply? Students and scholars who live outside the Minneapolis – St. Paul (MN) metro area and who need to do research in the IHRCA collections.
Selection Criteria:
- Demonstrated connection between research needs and specific collections at the IHRCA.
- Language proficiency (for projects requiring sources in languages other than English; please consult an archivist).
Application Materials:
- Application letter of approximately two pages including estimated dates of residency; description of research project including goals, framework and preliminary thesis; collections to be consulted; and estimated budget.
- Current curriculum vitae.
- Names and contact information for two references.
Applications must be received by June 1st to, Attn: Grant-in-Aid Committee OR postmarked by June 1st and mailed to postal address: IHRCA Grant-in-Aid Committee Immigration History Research Center Archives University of Minnesota 311 Andersen Library 222 – 21st Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55455