Deadline for Applications: Ongoing
PhD Opportunities in Slavonic Studies 2019
The Slavonic Studies section in the University of Cambridge invites applications from qualified students for a PhD in Slavonic Studies, beginning Autumn 2019.
The Slavonic Studies section at Cambridge engages in the advanced study of Russia, Poland, and Ukraine, with an emphasis on cultural history from the Middle Ages to the present day. It is home to a dynamic annual programme of public lectures, research seminars, conferences, and exhibitions. Its intellectual vitality is particularly evident in the fields of Pre-Modern East Slavic culture; Russian, Polish, and Ukrainian Literatures of the 19th and 20th centuries; Slavonic Linguistics; Nationalism Studies; Memory Studies; and Film and Visual Culture. Applications are welcome in any of these areas. For more information about Slavonic Studies at Cambridge, please consult
The University of Cambridge has been judged the best in the UK for Russian and East European Studies in the 2017 University Subject Tables compiled by The Complete University Guide. The Slavonic Studies section is part of the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages, which has a Graduate Centre with computing, study, seminar, and social areas. It maintains extensive library resources, which include the Catherine Cooke collection of Soviet visual materials. Graduate students at Cambridge benefit from a rich, diverse research culture, both within the Slavonic Studies section and the University as a whole.
The Slavonic Studies section also works in close collaboration with the Cambridge Committee for Russian and East European Studies (CamCREES) and the Cambridge Centre for Research in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CRASSH).
For further information on graduate study in Cambridge, please Prospective applicants are encouraged to contact the Slavonic Studies Graduate Studies Officer (Dr. Olenka Pevny), or the Director of Section Dr. Emma Widdis ( and to attend the postgraduate open day on Friday 2 November 2018.