CFP: SCMLA Conference (Little Rock, AR)

Deadline for Submissions: April 30, 2019

Little Rock Arkansas October 24-26

Pop Culture Session: The Pop Culture Session of the South Central Modern Language Association invites proposals for the 2019 Conference, October 24-26 in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Other Sessions include: Russian Language and Methodology; Russian Literature; Slavic and Eastern European Languages and Literatures, and More!

Possible topics for the Pop Culture Session include (not limited to):
Adaptation, Advertising, Animation, Celebrity culture, Children’s literature, Circus, Comedy, Comics, Dance, Digital Culture, Fairy Tales, Fan Culture, Fashion, Folklore, Food Studies, Fame Studies, Horror, Internet Culture, Material culture, Media studies, Movies, Mystery and detective fiction, Podcast and audio studies, Porn and erotica studies, Popular music, Pulp studies, Punk culture, Radio, Romance literature, Soap opera, Sports, Television, YA literature…

Please submit an abstract and brief CV to by April 30, 2019.