CFP: Folklore Panel Proposals (ASEEES Convention)

Deadline: February 5, 2020

The Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Folklore Association [SEEFA], an ASEEES affiliate, issues an annual call for papers for the ASEEES convention to be held in Washington DC, 5-8  November 2020. 

Participation in our panels does not require SEEFA membership. We welcome participation not only from folklorists, but also from specialists representing all fields of study, including literature, anthropology, and history.

We will consider any proposals submitted that relate to folklore and will try to form panels and / or roundtables from these submissions.

The ASEEES deadline for submission of panels is 15 February 2020.  SEEFA will accept proposals until 5:00 CST on 5 February 2020.