Webinar: Teaching Polish During the Pandemic

Event Date: June 6, 2020

The webinar will feature three presenters: Dr. Christopher Caes, Dr. Piotr Kajak, and Mrs. Joanna Pawlina.

When: June 6th at 10 am (EST)

Where: Zoom (please contact us at naatplorganization@gmail.com to get the access link)

The outbreak of Covid-19 has brought many changes to the way of teaching foreign languages. Even though all institutions had to shift to remote teaching, different schools have taken different approaches to distance learning. The three presenters will discuss how their programs adapted to the new situation, and to what effect. They will discuss related topics such as the mode of teaching (synchronous and/or asynchronous), online teaching methodologies, remote etiquette, students’ engagement, managing online anxiety, and others. The webinar will be followed by facilitated discussion to allow for attendees to discuss best and worst practices and to reflect on the future of online teaching.

Presenters’ bios:
Christopher Caes is Lecturer in Polish at Columbia University.  He earned his Ph.D. in Slavic Studies with a Designated Emphasis in Film Studies at the University of California, Berkeley.  He has taught previously at the University of Florida and Florida State University.  His area of research is 20th-century Polish literature, film, and culture, and his teaching has included Polish and Russian Language, Polish Literature, Slavic Studies, Film Studies, East European History, Science Fiction Studies, and Norse Mythology and Culture.

Piotr Kajak, Assistant Professor at the POLONICUM Centre of Polish Language and Culture for Foreigners, Faculty of Polish Studies, University of Warsaw. Teaches Polish as a Foreign/Second/Heritage Language. Obtained his degrees from cultural studies, Slavic studies, foreign language acquisition and political sciences. His research interests include: Second/foreign language acquisition; culture pedagogy in SLA/FLA; teaching Polish as a foreign/second/heritage language; popular culture in SLA/FLA; Polish popular culture; hip-hop culture; aca-fan approach.

Joanna Pawlina a Dual Language teacher at Claremont Elementary School with a degree in Early Childhood education from Northeastern Illinois University and a Master’s Degree in Dual Language Teacher Leadership obtained from Roosevelt University. Mrs. Pawlina also serves as a dual language liaison for the district where she teaches. Dual language education is her passion and her dream is to inspire Districts to offer such programs to all students.