Conference: Russian Revolution: What’s Left? A Century in Revolution (Durham University)

Event date: September 29 – October 8

Durham University curatorial team is pleased to announce the special program of films, art-projects and discussions, titled What’s Left? A Century in Revolution, which is taking place at Tyneside Cinema, Newcastle upon Tyne, between Friday 29 September and Sunday 8 October 2017.

The program is produced as part of the Cross-Language Dynamics (Open World Research Initiative Project) and is curated by a team of Durham scholars (Dušan Radunović as lead curator) and Tyneside Cinema Newcastle (Una Henry as curator).

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CFP: Varieties of Russian Realism – ACLA (UCLA)

Deadline for Applications: September 21, 2017 9:00 a.m. EST

The University of California at Los Angeles writes to invite CREEES affiliates to submit brief abstracts to its ACLA seminar, to be held at UCLA March 29-April 1. Abstracts are due September 21 at 9:00 EST. Please see the website for more information.

Seminar proposal: Varieties of Russian Realism: Medium, Genre, and Form in the Nineteenth-Century Russian Arts

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CFP: Nature/Culture: Environmental Narratives in the Contemporary World (ACLA)

Deadline for Submissions: September 21, at 9 a.m. EST.

The American Comparative Literature Association is looking for participants in the panel “Nature/Culture: Environmental Narratives in the Contemporary World”

This seminar focuses on the intersection of ecology and environmental studies with literature, film, culture, politics, and religion in the contemporary world. We aim to explore the ways in which writers, cultural producers, thinkers, politicians, and non-governmental institutions produce a wide range of discourses on nature and ecology to formulate and shape ideas about national and religious identities, literary production, and social belonging. The 2015 awarding of
Svetlana Alexievich with the Nobel Prize in Literature brought international attention to the confluence of environmental catastrophe with literary narrative. What is more, the rhetoric of “natural disaster,” and its subsequent genres (sustainability narratives, ecotourism, disaster tourism, studies of climate injustice and climate refugees, etc.) often go hand in hand with both foreign and domestic politics, as well as regional identity building. In his recent study of the oil industry in Perm, Russia, for example, Doug Rogers reveals how the regional politics of the Lukoil corporation have played a key role in the revival of local non-Russian cultural identities (The Depths of Russia: Oil, Power, and Culture after Socialism 2015).

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Study Abroad: Russian Language Programs (American Councils)

Deadline for applications: October 16, 2017

American Councils for International Education is currently accepting applications for spring 2018 semester Russian language study-abroad programs.

Operating since 1976, American Councils Russian-language programs are conducted in partnership with Moscow International University, the Russian State Pedagogical (Herzen) University in downtown St. Petersburg, the KORA Russian Language Center in Vladimir, and the Al Farabi Kazakh National University in Almaty. All American Councils programs are uniquely designed to maximize participants’ language gain by combining intensive, small-group instruction with a rich array of immersion activities to ensure participants break out of the ‘study abroad bubble’ and truly engage with local communities. Experienced resident directors provide 24-hour support and personal guidance to participants throughout their time abroad.

The application deadline is October 16, 2017 for the following programs:

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Academic job: Assistant Professor in 19-century Russian Literature and Culture (UPenn)

Deadline for applications: November 1, 2017

The Department of Russian and East European Studies at the University of Pennsylvainia is seeking applications for an assistant professor (tenure-track) with expertise in nineteenth-century Russian literature and culture, to begin July 1, 2018. Of particular interest are candidates with additional expertise in some aspect of Central European studies. Demonstrated strength in research and publication and excellence in teaching required. Ph.D. must be earned by time of appointment. Native or near-native fluency in Russian and English required.

Please submit applications online here. Include a cover letter describing research and teaching experience, a CV, teaching philosophy statement, and contact information for three individuals who have agreed to provide a letter of recommendation. Recommenders will be contacted by the University with instructions on how to submit a letter to the website. Review of applications will begin on November 1, 2017 and continue until the position is filled. The Department of Russian and East European Studies is strongly committed to Penn’s Action Plan for Faculty Diversity and Excellence and to creating a diverse faculty. The University of Pennsylvania is an EOE. Minorities, women, individuals with disabilities, and protected veterans are encouraged to apply.

Academic Job: Open Rank Faculty Position In Department of Slavic Languages (Columbia University)

Deadline for applications: October 1, 2017

The Department of Slavic Languages at Columbia University announces an open rank position in Russian literature and culture. The position may be filled at any rank from Assistant Professor to Professor with tenure. They are looking for a colleague with energy, vision, and a truly outstanding record in both scholarship and teaching, whose innovative research will complement the Department’s existing strengths and attract graduate students of the highest caliber. The ideal candidate will be a newly tenured faculty or someone who will soon be considered for tenure. While the period of specialization is open, expertise in the 20th or 21st century is especially desirable, as is the ability to teach poetry, film, or visual culture. The successful candidate will be expected to sustain an active research and publication agenda and teach in our undergraduate and graduate programs.

Successful candidates are expected to have native or near-native fluency in Russian. All applicants must have a Ph.D. in hand.

Continue reading “Academic Job: Open Rank Faculty Position In Department of Slavic Languages (Columbia University)”

Language Training: Eurasian Regional Language Program (Bryn Mawr College)

Deadline for applications: October 16, 2017

American Councils for International Education is currently accepting applications for the spring 2018 semester Eurasian Regional Language Program (ERLP).

The American Councils Eurasian Regional Language Program provides graduate students, advanced undergraduates, working professionals, and scholars intensive individualized instruction in the languages spoken in Eurasia. Participants may choose from a wide range of regional languages, including Armenian, Azeri, Bashkir, Buryat, Chechen, Dari, Farsi, Georgian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Pashto, Romanian, Tajiki, Tatar, Turkish, Ukrainian, Uzbek, and Yakut.

The program offers comprehensive, two-day pre-departure orientation in Washington, D.C. as well as on-site orientation in each host city; expert university faculty and classrooms of only 1 to 5 participants to maximize individual attention to each learner’s needs; 15-18 hours per week of in-class target language instruction in grammar, phonetics, conversation, culture and area studies;  housing with carefully-vetted host families; U.S. academic credit (administered through Bryn Mawr College); conversation partners who assist U.S. students with language learning; and creative excursions that go beyond typical tourist destinations and offer students new insights into the host country life and culture.

Students admitted to the Eurasian Regional Language Program are eligible to receive financial support from a wide range of sources, including the U.S. Department of State (Title VIII), Boren, FLAS, and the American Councils Study Abroad Scholarship Fund.

Prospective applicants should check the program website for more information and to access the online application. The application deadline for these programs is October 16, 2017. Please direct any questions regarding the application process to the AC Study Abroad Team (phone: 202-833-7522;


Academic Job: Tenure-Track Position in Russian (Reed College)

Deadline for applications: October 16, 2017

The Russian department at Reed College invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track appointment in Russian and the Humanities, preferably at the Assistant Professor rank, to commence August 2018. Their strong preference is for a teacher-scholar specializing in pre-twentieth century Russian literature. Expertise in an additional scholarly field (e.g., comparative literature, film/media studies, gender studies, postcolonial studies, ecocriticism) is desirable. Candidates should possess native or near-native command of both Russian and English, have successful college-level teaching experience and an ambitious research program. They must have a Ph.D. in Slavic (or a related field) in hand by the start of the appointment.

Located in Portland, Oregon, Reed is a liberal arts college with approximately 1400 students that offers a demanding academic program to bright and dedicated undergraduates. Reed College is on the semester system with a teaching load of five courses per year and senior thesis advising. In addition to courses in Russian literature and culture, members of the Russian department either teach Russian language or participate, on a rotating basis, in the team-taught freshmen humanities course. Details about the Russian program at Reed can be found at their website. For additional information, please contact Professor Evgenii Bershtein (, chair of the search committee. Continue reading “Academic Job: Tenure-Track Position in Russian (Reed College)”