Job: Senior Organized Crime Adviser (Belgrade, Serbia)

Deadline for Applications: January 29, 2018

Senior Organized Crime Adviser
Level: Senior Professional
Vacancy Number: VNSRMS00508
Duty Station: Belgrade, Serbia
Apply by: 29 January 2018 for full consideration
View the job description:

In order to receive full consideration, interested parties should create an online application and enter the relevant vacancy number at: by 29 January. Only finalists will be contacted.  PAE-REACT will interview short-listed candidates in order to make nominations by the OSCE deadline.

Requirements include, but are not limited to:

  • Excellent physical condition
  • Possession of a valid automobile driving license and ability to drive using manual transmission
  • Ability to cope with physical hardship and willingness to work extra hours and in an environment with limited infrastructure
  • University education in law or significant work experience in criminal justice and/or law enforcement (the latter required for police corrections officer training)
  • Advanced degree in relevant field
  • Minimum 6 years of relevant professional experience
  • Experience in the practice of law, e.g. judges, prosecutors, lawyers, etc.
  • Previous experience in law enforcement and/or public administration
  • Experience in project management, including planning, budgeting, implementation and evaluation
  • Knowledge of courtroom proceedings and criminal law and procedure
  • Knowledge of international legal procedure standards and instruments
  • Knowledge of the standards and practices of modern criminal justice systems
  • Demonstrable organizational, analytical, communication and interpersonal skills
  • Good drafting skills and the ability to tailor reports and presentations to the needs of a specific audience
  • Professional fluency in the English language, both oral and written
  • Demonstrated ability and willingness to work as a member of a team, with people of different cultural and religious backgrounds, different gender, and diverse political views, while maintaining impartiality and objectivity
  • Demonstrated gender awareness and sensitivity, as well as the ability to integrate a gender perspective into tasks and activities
  • Ability to operate Windows applications including word-processing and e-mail
  • Flexibility and ability to work under pressure and with limited time frames

Continue reading “Job: Senior Organized Crime Adviser (Belgrade, Serbia)”

Prof. Devel.: 2018 Project-Based Language Learning Professional Learning Events (NFLRC)

Deadline for Registration: January 15, 2018

The NFLRC will start with their free 2018 PBLL Online Symposium: “Envisioning Project-Based Language Learning” on January 17-18, 2018, a great introduction to the topic, with plenty of examples to see PBLL in action. Register today: . The registration deadline for the symposium is January 15, so register soon!
For those who want to learn more in-depth about PBLL, there’s our subsequent 2018 Fundamentals of Project-Based Language Learning Online Institute, which this year focuses on PBLL and pragmatics and will cover what you need to know to develop good projects for your language class. The registration fee is $25, and registrants can sign up for either the live facilitated version (option 1: January-February) or the self-study version (option 2):
Finally, for those who complete the digital badge requirements for the Online Institute and want to take their project designs to the next level, ready for the classroom, they can apply for the Pragmatics in PBLL Intensive Summer Institute in Honolulu, Hawai‘i (June 13-20, 2018). Partial travel funding available for top accepted applicants. See website for full details:

CFP: Love & Monstrosity: What Have We Done/What Are We Going to Do (U. of Arizona)

Deadline for Submissions: February 15, 2018

Call for Papers
New Directions in Critical Theory Graduate Conference, 2018
Love & Monstrosity: What Have We Done/What Are We Going to Do
The University of Arizona, Department of English
April 20-21
Tucson, Arizona

“It is true, we shall be monsters, cut off from all the world; but on that account we shall be more attached to one another.”
—from Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (1818)

The graduate students of the University of Arizona’s Department of English invite proposals for the annual New Directions in Critical Theory Graduate Conference. Held every spring, New Directions is an interdisciplinary conference organized for and by graduate students as a way of drawing together scholars, artists, and activists across diverse disciplines.

This year’s conference, entitled “Love & Monstrosity: What Have We Done/What Are We Going to Do,” invites papers and performances that explore the limitless potential and fraught relations between love and monstrosity. We hope that presenters will consider the ways in which their interests dovetail with this theme and use it as a means for exposing and interrogating the current, often monstrous, state of the world as well as a means for finding and spreading hope through a praxis of radical love. As bell hooks suggests, “an ethic of love” emerges from the periphery as scholars, artists, and activists use it to shape the direction of their “political vision” as well as their “radical aspirations.” We hope that our conference will provide an inclusive model that welcomes not only traditional academic scholars from the humanities, but also scholars in other fields and nontraditional scholars, artists, and activists who would like to engage in a dialogue about the potential for love to inspire hope in an increasingly precarious world.

Possible topics for critical and creative presentations include but are not

limited to:

Women Firsts, Queer firsts, POC firsts, monstrosity, radical love, queer theologies the entangled bank, ecology, environmental criticism, climate change, the Trump presidency, trauma and recovery terror, horror, revulsion, hope, sadness, exhaustion, community resilience, collective resistance, activism, running for office, the politics of aesthetics, aesthetic politics, ethno-nationalism, cosmopolitans, beginnings of histories, biopolitics, births, hybrids, binaries, polarization, healing, the mythic, archetypes, stereotypes, tyrants Continue reading “CFP: Love & Monstrosity: What Have We Done/What Are We Going to Do (U. of Arizona)”

Graduate Program: European Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC)

Deadline for Applications: January 22, 2018

The European Interuniversity Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC) and 41 participating universities from all member states of the European Union are proud to present to you the European Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation (E.MA) 2018/2019.

E.MA is an intensive one-year course aimed at educating up to 90 professionals annually in the field of human rights and democratisation. The Master’s Degree is also an action- and policy-oriented approach to learning that combines legal, political, historical, anthropological, and philosophical perspectives with skills building activities, an in-depth study of the following areas: Human Rights Institutions, Mechanisms and Standards; Human Rights in Context: Historical, Philosophical, Religious and Anthropological Perspectives; Democratisation; Human Rights and Globalisation; Human Rights and Security. E.MA is the foundation for a successful career in national, international, governmental, inter- and non-governmental organisations, as well as academic institutions dealing with human rights and democratisation.

5 reasons why people choose E.MA:

  • Possibility to do internships and fellowships in leading human rights organisations;
  • Ties with EU institutions and links with international governmental, inter-governmental and non-governmental organisations for a regional and at the same time global experience;
  • Attractive placement opportunities;
  • Extensive worldwide E.MAlumni Association for contacts, job opportunities, career development, projects, research;
  • unique human experience during which all those involved (students, faculty and resident staff) develop long-term bonds and networks with each other.

Continue reading “Graduate Program: European Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC)”

Funding: Language Teaching and Learning Research Grants (U. of Pittsburgh)

Deadline for Applications: February 01, 2018

The University of Pittsburgh’s Center for Russian and East European Studies will award up to two Language Teaching and Learning Research (LTLR) Grants for scholars to conduct research projects on-site at the Summer Language Institute in June – July 2018. Funded projects must focus on the teaching and learning of one or more of the following priority languages: Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, Polish, Russian, Turkish, and Ukrainian. Other languages that are taught at the SLI may be included in a project proposal in addition to these priority languages; see for the complete list of language courses offered. Applicants may propose to be in residence in Pittsburgh for either all or a portion of the two-month duration of the SLI, according to the needs of their projects.

Guidelines: Applicants should propose projects that will take advantage of the unique environment and resources available at an intensive campus-based summer language institute, while not placing excessive demands on the time of SLI instructors or students. Projects involving the development of online language instructional materials are of particular interest, but other types of projects that make significant contributions to language teaching and learning will also be considered. Successful applicants will be responsible for obtaining IRB approval or exemption for research projects involving human subjects and for obtaining the informed consent of research subjects, if applicable, before starting to work on their projects.

Applicants may request a total of $2,000 to $4,000 for housing, food and other living expenses; round-trip travel to Pittsburgh, if applicable; and research-related costs such as materials or software purchases, statistical or technology consulting services, etc. (please note that hardware purchases are not eligible for LTLR funding). All expenses should be justified in a brief budget narrative. Applicants are encouraged to seek supplemental funding from their home institutions. Continue reading “Funding: Language Teaching and Learning Research Grants (U. of Pittsburgh)”

Academic Job: Visiting Fellowships 2018-2019 (U. of Helsinki)

Deadline for Applications: February 13, 2018

The Aleksanteri Institute is pleased to invite applications for its Visiting Fellowships for the academic year 2018 –2019 from scholars holding a PhD degree and pursuing research that relates to the Institute’s research profile. The Fellowship carries a monthly grant of 3300 euros to cover all of the expenses related to the research visit, which can range from one to three months. The Visiting Fellowship scheme is intended for scholars who reside outside Finland.

The deadline for applications is 13 February 2018.

For more information on the fellowships, please visit

The Aleksanteri Institute (University of Helsinki) is the Finnish Centre for Russian and Eastern European studies, with a multidisciplinary research profile based on social sciences and humanities.

CFP: 50th Annual ASEEES Convention (Boston, MA)

Deadline for Submissions: February 28, 2018

The 50th Annual ASEEES Convention will be held at the Boston Marriott Copley Place from Thursday, December 6, to Sunday, December 9, 2018. The Convention theme is “Performance”.

February 28, 2018 for ALL submissions
The online submission closes at 11:59pm PT (UTC -8) on Feb. 28, 2018.


Continue reading “CFP: 50th Annual ASEEES Convention (Boston, MA)”

CFP: Late Soviet Village: People, Institutions, and Objects Between “Rural” and “Urban” Life Styles (Moscow)

Deadline for Submissions: January 15, 2018

Late Soviet Village: People, Institutions, and Objects Between “Rural” and “Urban” Life Styles

International Conference (May 30 – June 2, 2018, Moscow, German Historical Institute / University of Zurich)

The aim of the conference is to make the developments in the rural Soviet Union as well as a decline and disappearance of “traditional” rural life but as a specific modus of entanglement between the city and the countryside, and as a product of simultaneous “ruralization “Urban life styles and urbanization” of rural life styles.

By declaring the submission or indifferent “homo sovieticus” or by “performative practices that eroded” the sense of ideological commitment.

We welcome contributions by historians, anthropologists, ethnographers and social scientists addressing the issues of late Soviet rural development, but in particular on rural subjects in discourses and practices, focussing on:

  • Family networks and structures / Generations / Gender
  • Work / leisure divide
  • consumption
  • TV and other media
  • High / popular culture
  • Materiality and objects
  • Late Soviet rituals
  • Youth sub-cultures
  • Rural / urban networks
  • religiosity
  • Ideology and propaganda / representations in arts
  • Party and state institutions in rural areas
  • Expert’s projects / discussions on rural development

Conference languages wants to be English and Russian. Travel costs and accommodation will be covered by the convenors. The conference is part of the research project “Late Soviet Village: People, Institutions, and Things between the Socialist Cult of Urbanity and Ruralization of Urban Life Styles” at the History Department of the University of Zurich. We plan to publish a volume of collected essays based on conference presentations. Please submit paper proposals of 300-500 words and academic bio information to  by January, 15th, 2018.


Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Katzer, DHI Moscow
Prof. Dr. med. Ekaterina Emeliantseva Koller, University of Zurich

Study Abroad: International Politics Summer School 2018 (U. of Oxford)

Deadline for Applications: April 15, 2018


A two-week residential summer school tackling the vital issues that shape politics in the modern world with a regional focus.

  • Providing in depth analysis of key countries in regions outside of Western Europe and North America – Africa, East Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, and Russia and the Former Soviet Union.
  • Including a daily lecture programme given by world-renowned academics.
  • Giving the opportunity to study at St Antony’s College, Oxford University’s only college to focus exclusively on international affairs.
  • Offering a partial scholarship to offset course fees.

The academic programme consists of

  • small seminar groups with a specialist tutor, which enable participants to study their subject in meaningful detail;
  • a daily lecture programme given by world-renowned academics and best-selling authors: previous lecturers have included Archie BrownMargaret MacmillanRosemary FootAnand MenonLaurence Whitehead, and Rana Mitter;
  • lively daily discussion groups led by current Oxford University doctoral students.

Continue reading “Study Abroad: International Politics Summer School 2018 (U. of Oxford)”

CFP: 5th Annual Conference on Eurasian Politics & Society (Istanbul, Turkey)

Deadline for Submissions: February 15, 2018

The 5th International Conference on Eurasian Politics & Society

“Conference Theme: Diplomatic Representation of Cities

Bahariye Mevlevihanesi, Istanbul – Turkey
Monday,  April 23, 2018 – Tuesday,  April 24, 2018 (All Day)

Abstract Submission Deadline: February 15, 2018
Registration Deadline for Presenters: March 20, 2018


This international and interdisciplinary conference will again bring together a range of academics and practitioners to discuss new directions of research and discovery on Eurasian Studies. IEPAS2018 will afford the opportunity for networking new relationships, hearing the latest research, presenting and publishing before a global audience and experiencing Turkey.


IEPAS2018 Conference Topics and Streams


Diplomatic Representation of Cities
  • Turkey in Eurasia
  • Turkic Countries
  • Geopolitics of Eurasia
  • Energy Politics and Energy Security of Eurasia
  • Globalisation in Eurasia
  • Regions and Regionalism in Eurasia
  • Islamic Movements in Eurasia
  • Democracy in Eurasia
  • Civilisation & Diplomacy in Eurasia
  • Modernization in Eurasia
  • Migration in Eurasia
  • Terrorism and Eurasia
  • Cultural Diplomacy in Eurasia
  • Eurasia in World Politics
  • Historical Perspectives to Eurasia
  • Major and Regional Powers in Eurasia
  • The Socio-Economic Structure and Future of Eurasia
  • Conflicts and Conflict Resolution in Eurasia
And relevant subjects…
For more information click here.