Funding Opportunity: Fellows Program (The Auschwitz Jewish Center)

Deadline for Applications: January 14, 2018

The Auschwitz Jewish Center Fellows Program is a three week study trip for students who are matriculated in graduate programs or are completing undergraduate degrees in 2018 in Holocaust studies and related fields. The Fellowship will offer up to four Faculty Fellowships in 2018. These Fellowships will be for faculty who teach the Holocaust in any discipline but have not made its history their primary area of study.

 Program dates are still tentative but are anticipated to be June 24 – July 16, 2018

Students of all faiths and ethnicities with an interest in Holocaust studies, Jewish Studies, Polish-Jewish history, memory, or human rights are strongly encouraged to apply. The program covers all costs, including international travel, lodging, room and board, and materials, except travel to the program’s start in New York City.

The AJC Fellows Program provides a unique educational opportunity to learn about the Holocaust in situ in the context of Poland’s history and Jewish heritage. It is the goal of the Auschwitz Jewish Center Fellows Program that Fellows gain not only knowledge of the Holocaust sites they visit, but also an understanding of the legacy of the Holocaust in Poland, its effects on collective memory, and complexities surrounding such categories as victim, bystander, and perpetrator. Continue reading “Funding Opportunity: Fellows Program (The Auschwitz Jewish Center)”

Funding Opportunity: Faculty Fellows (The Auschwitz Jewish Center)

Deadline for Applications: February 11, 2018

Faculty Fellows

Through travel in Poland for three weeks, during which time Fellows visit Krakow, Warsaw, Lódź, Treblinka, and Oświęcim (Auschwitz), Fellows gain not only knowledge of the Holocaust sites they visit, but also an understanding of the legacy of the Holocaust in Poland, its effects on collective memory, and complexities surrounding such categories as victim, bystander, and perpetrator.

The Fellowship will offer Faculty Fellowships in 2018. These Fellowships will be for faculty who teach the Holocaust in any discipline but have not made its history their primary area of study. The Auschwitz Jewish Center Fellows Program – Faculty Fellowship is open to professors of all faiths.  Continue reading “Funding Opportunity: Faculty Fellows (The Auschwitz Jewish Center)”

CFP: Crimea – The Literary, Cultural, and Historical Reflection (Prague, Czechia)

Deadline for Submissions: March 01, 2018


Crimea – the literary, cultural and historical reflection

25th 6 to 27 6th 2018 Academic conference center Hus-Jilská, Hus
4a 110 00 Praha 1

The conference is part of an international project, which is supported
Czech Academy of Sciences (program strategy and 21 – Europe and the state:
between civilization and barbarism).

On the occasion of the international meeting of the project team wants imagine
their work and initiate a broader scientific debate on the topic.

We look forward to your contributions relating to the following topics:

• Literary topos Crimea
• traumatic Crimea as a place of cultural memory
• Crimea as a crossroads of cultures
• Crimean Tatars
• Crimea as Russian imperial figure
• The media war of Crimea
• Current research on intercultural Crimea
• Myth Crimea Crimea as a sacred place in the Russian imagination, as Crimea
exotic topos  Continue reading “CFP: Crimea – The Literary, Cultural, and Historical Reflection (Prague, Czechia)”

Internship: Overseas Professional & Intercultural Training Program (American Councils)

Deadline for Applications: February 15, 2018

Overseas Professional and Intercultural Training Program (OPIT)

OPIT gives students the substantive overseas professional experience and intercultural skills demanded by today’s global market. English-language internships are available in a wide range of fields, including business, humanities, social sciences, innovation, and STEM disciplines throughout the Balkans, the Baltics, and Eurasia.

Program Description

Through OPIT’s six-week, English-language internships, students gain the substantive overseas professional experience and intercultural communication skills demanded by today’s global market. Participants can choose a placement in a variety of fields, including business, democracy building, human rights, education, science, technology, gender issues, journalism, public health, environmental protection, and social services in 17 countries in Southeast Europe, Eurasia, and the Baltics.

A full-time in-country American Councils staff person oversees the professional and intercultural program, assists participants in administrative and personal matters, and works closely with the host organization to ensure that participants are engaged in meaningful projects. The OPIT program draws on an extensive network of community partners, expert regional staff, and overseas resources developed by American Councils over the years.

Knowledge of a foreign-language is not required; however, the program does provide foreign language internships to interested and qualified students, and all students have the opportunity to combine their internships with intensive language study.

For more information, and to apply, click here.

Funding: Olympiad Competition (HSE)

Date of Exam: February 15, 2018

National Research University Higher School of Economics is honored to invite juniors, seniors and recent graduates to participate in our International Students’ Olympiad. The winners will receive priority admission with financial support to one of HSE’s two-year English-language master’s programs, which span a wide range of interests, from economics to computer sciences, linguistics, and international relations.  Scholarships are available.

The Olympiad – a written exam consisting of various problems and essay questions – will be held in your university location in Austin Texas in cooperation with CREEES.

15 February 2018 4 pm Burdine 231, UTAustin, TX Any questions?Ask Oxana Budjko at


At the moment, HSE offers 28 two-year master’s programs taught entirely in English. The full list of all master’s programs taught in English is available at

Here are some more useful links:

A short video about a day of international students at HSE

HSE Presentation  for international students

Registration is open via link

Graduate Program: Slavic Lit/Culture & Film Studies (U. of Pittsburgh)

Deadline for Applications: January 15, 2018

For full scholarship consideration, please submit all application materials by Monday, 15 January (apologies for cross-posting).


The University of Pittsburgh Slavic Department ( invites applications to its graduate program, which provides a full range of courses, with particular strengths in the study of contemporary Russian culture, Russian/Soviet cinema, and Russian literature.  Our program has supported dissertations in such diverse areas as contemporary Russian prose, Soviet postmodern culture, Thaw cinema,1930s-40s Soviet civic poetry, prison culture of the Belomor Canal, post-Soviet philosophy, the Soviet anekdot, and Stagnation-era television serials.  Financial aid (both non-teaching fellowships and teaching assistantships) is available to qualified applicants. Applications will be accepted until Monday, 15 January 2018 and must be submitted electronically at  For more information,see

PhD students help organize the annual Russian Film Symposium ( and edit the refereed journal Studies in Slavic Cultures (  Alongside primary study towards the degree, students typically are mentored in obtaining MA or PhD certificates in one or more of five interdepartmental programs:

By PhD conferral, students will have teaching experience in culture, cinema, language, and literature courses(team-taught and stand-alone formats).  PhD recipients have received academic job offers or post-doctoral fellowships in such institutions as Dartmouth, Johns Hopkins, Princeton, Stanford Humanities Center, University College London, University of Texas Austin, Vanderbilt, and William and Mary.  Other PhD recipients have competed successful for senior academic administrative positions in International Studies, for work in Russian media analysis consulting in the public sector, and for teaching and administrative positions in private secondary education. Continue reading “Graduate Program: Slavic Lit/Culture & Film Studies (U. of Pittsburgh)”

Funding: Collaborative Heritage Management in Armenia Grant (ARISC)

Deadline for Applications: March 16, 2018

ARISC Collaborative Heritage Management in Armenia Grant

Deadline: March 16, 2018
Contact Information: 
info “at” arisc. org

Project Description:
The American Research Institute of the South Caucasus invites proposals from collaborative teams in support of the preservation and conservation of the Republic of Armenia’s archaeological and historical heritage. This ARISC program, generously funded by Project Discovery! and donors, seeks to foster joint work between American and Armenian scholars and institutions dedicated to the proper curation and preservation of heritage materials such as artifacts, sites, and manuscripts. Successful applications will demonstrate substantive collaborations that not only contribute to heritage conservation but also demonstrate efforts to build capacity and enhance local knowledge of current techniques and approaches to heritage management. These grants require active participation of both American and Armenian principal investigators in all aspects of the collaborative project.

Examples of potential projects include:

  • Restoration of threatened archaeological remains
  • Stabilization of historical resources
  • Long-term protection for archaeological sites or historical monuments
  • Curation and permanent exhibition of heritage materials
  • Cataloging and recording of collections
  • Digitization of heritage materials for wider public access
  • Enhancement of conservation lab facilities
  • Advanced training for specialists

Given the level of funding, these awards can also be used as seed grants to demonstrate the feasibility of a pilot program and/or in concert with funds from parallel sources.

Grantees will be required to either give a talk or run a workshop pertinent to the subject of the grant while in Armenia. Continue reading “Funding: Collaborative Heritage Management in Armenia Grant (ARISC)”

Academic Job: Prof. of International Studies (U. of Wisconsin-Madison)

Deadline for Applications: December 31, 2017

WORKING TITLE: Professor of International Studies
FTE: 100%
ADVERTISED SALARY: Negotiable; ACADEMIC (9 months)
DEGREE AND AREA OF SPECIALIZATION: Ph.D. degree in anthropology, sociology, geography, or related field prior to start of appointment.
MINIMUM NUMBER OF YEARS AND TYPE OF RELEVANT WORK EXPERIENCE: Teaching experience required. For tenure-track position, demonstrated potential for excellence in research required. For tenured position, record of excellence in research, teaching, and service.

UW-Madison is accepting applications for a tenure-track assistant professor or associate professor with tenure in International Studies beginning August 20, 2018. Successful applicant will engage in the intellectual life of their home department through teaching, scholarly research and service. Successful applicant will be expected to teach two courses per semester with half in the International Studies Major and half in their tenure home. The appointee is expected to teach International Studies 101: Introduction to International Studies in rotation with other IS faculty as well as specialized courses in the area of the appointee’s expertise. Scholarly research and service also required.

The International Studies Major at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
( seeks a tenure-track assistant or tenured associate professor and research experience in sociological, geographical, or anthropological approaches to the contemporary (post-Cold War) world. We seek a scholar with a place-based approach to the field, preferably with a regional focus on the Middle East; Central, East, or Southeast Asia; or Europe. The successful candidate will contribute to the International Studies Major’s research and teaching areas of global security, political economy, global culture, and/or human rights, broadly construed. Continue reading “Academic Job: Prof. of International Studies (U. of Wisconsin-Madison)”

Academic Job: Post Doctoral Fellow (ASU)

Deadline for Applications: February 01, 2018

Post Doctoral Fellow

JOB#: 12232

Arizona State University’s Melikian Center for Russian, Eurasian and East European Studies invites applications for a postdoctoral fellowship to begin in July 2018. The one-year fellowship is open to early-career scholars who received their PhD in or after June 2016, whose work combines regional focus with global relevance.  As well as conducting their own research, the Melikian postdoctoral fellow will teach two seminar classes at ASU’s Barrett Honors College; participate in Melikian Center workshops and events; and contribute to the Center’s public profile through community programming, grant-writing, and/or generating content for the Center’s online presence. Post-doctoral appointments at ASU do not offer tenure, but may be renewed annually, subject to funding.

Arizona State University is a comprehensive public research institution committed to discovery and scholarship in the integrated social sciences and comprehensive arts and sciences. The Melikian Center was established in 1984, with a mission is to advance innovative research and teaching on the languages, societies and geopolitics of greater Eurasia, building capacities for cultural awareness and knowledge-driven global engagement. The Barrett Honors College was established in 1988, and has more national merit scholars than MIT, Duke, Brown or Stanford. In 2015, the New York Times described Barrett as the “gold standard” in honors colleges.

Applications are welcomed from scholars in any academic discipline. Applicants with demonstrated interest in public-facing or engaged scholarship, and willingness to contribute to grant development and proposal preparation at the Center are especially encouraged.

To apply, please submit cover letter, current CV, a one-page seminar course prospectus and three confidential letters of reference. Applications will be reviewed beginning February 2nd, 2018. Application materials, and request letters of reference to be sent using

Background check is required for employment.

Arizona State University is a VEVRAA Federal Contractor and an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, disability, protected veteran status, or any other basis protected by law.

Application Deadline:
Thursday, February 1, 2018 – 10:00pm

* 10 PM Arizona Time – Midnight Eastern Time

Funding: Boren Fellowships (Central/E Europe/Eurasia)

Deadline for Applications: January 30, 2018 & February 08, 2018

Boren Fellowships, an initiative of the National Security Education Program, provide unique funding opportunities for U.S. graduate students to study less commonly taught languages in world regions critical to U.S. interests, and underrepresented in study abroad, including Africa, Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East. The countries of Western Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are excluded.

Boren Fellows represent a vital pool of highly motivated individuals who wish to work in the federal national security arena. In exchange for funding, Boren Fellows commit to working in the federal government for at least one year after graduation.

Award Amounts

Boren Fellowships provide up to $24,000 for overseas study.

In addition, Boren Fellowships can provide limited funding for domestic language study that will supplement the overseas component. The maximum award for a combined overseas and domestic program is $30,000. Please review the budget guidelines for more information.

Length of Study

Boren Fellowships are made for a minimum of 12 weeks overseas and a maximum of one year overseas. Boren-funded programs can begin no earlier than June 1, 2018 and no later than March 1, 2019.

Boren Fellowships promote long term linguistic and cultural immersion.  Therefore, preference will be given to applicants proposing overseas programs of 6 months or longer.  However, applicants proposing overseas programs of 3-6 months, especially those in the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields are encouraged to apply. Continue reading “Funding: Boren Fellowships (Central/E Europe/Eurasia)”