Deadline for Submissions: February 15, 2017
CFP: University of Virginia Slavic Forum (Mar. 31- Apr. 1)
“RE:Constructions: An Interdisciplinary Forum on Memory and Imagination”
Keynote Speaker: Masha Gessen, Friday, March 31st
Traditional applications of the terms memory and imagination have emphasized a distinct barrier between the concepts based on the premise of accuracy. Memory should be a record, one that, if occasionally faulty, remains primarily truthful. Imagination cannot be faulty because it is nebulous, fictive, unconcerned with veracity. However, in recent years, cognitive scientists have demonstrated that the same neural processes underlie both memory and imagination. Memories are as much constructs as imagination.
This forum is devoted to the intersections of memory and imagination in constructing identity, history, traditions, and futures. Memory invokes ideas of nostalgia, trauma, the urge to preserve, to delay oblivion. Imagination invokes dreaming, invention, childhood, play. Despite the seeming differences between the two, they both affect every sphere of human experience and endeavor. Continue reading “CFP: “RE:Constructions: An Interdisciplinary Forum on Memory and Imagination” (U. of Virginia)”