Grad Program: PhD Program (Jagiellonian U.)

Deadline for Applications: August 24, 2018

The PhD program in Politics, Culture, and Society in the Contemporary World is an interdisciplinary program organized by the Faculty of International and Political Studies (FIPS) at the Jagiellonian University. The teaching language of the program is English, though both Polish and international students are welcomed to apply.

The duration of the program is 4 years with the annual fee of 4200 EUR,  and the successful graduates will be awarded with a PhD title in the social sciences and humanities.

The program consists of three main modules:

1) obligatory and elective courses;
2) academic skills courses;
3) teaching skills courses; as well as an obligatory foreign language course.

Depending on the chosen research track followed by PhD candidates, they will be qualified to conduct research in political science or cultural studies. The graduates are also able to successfully perform teaching activities and are familiar with ways to gain financial resources to fund their research. They are prepared to take up a professional career in academia, as analysts in the public sector, think-tanks, research institutes and NGOs.


24/08 – 05/09 – registration of applications
11/09 – interviews with the candidates
24/09 – announcements of the ranking list
25-26/09 – enrolment

more details on the admission procedure and required documents can be found here:

Academic Job: Russian Language Instructor (U. of St. Andrews)

Deadline for Applications: August 31, 2018

The School of Modern Languages at the University of St Andrews is seeking to appoint a full-time language teacher in Russian. You should possess native competence in Russian and near native competence in English. You will be expected to contribute to the teaching of Russian language at undergraduate level (including all relevant preparation for classes, coursework assessments and examinations) and to undertake general administration related to teaching responsibilities as required by the Head of Department or the Head of School.

Further detailed information can be found at:

Closing Date: 31 August 2018

Informal enquiries can be directed to:
Dr Emily Finer, Head of Russian Department, email:
Professor Seán Allan, Head of School of Modern Languages, e-mail:

The University is committed to equality for all, demonstrated through being a Stonewall Diversity Champion and through engagement with key diversity initiatives (Athena SWAN; Carer Positive; and the LGBT Charter) – more details on:

Internship: The Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia (Dushanbe, Tajikistan)

Deadline for Applications: Ongoing Until Filled

The Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia – Tajikistan invites energetic and motivated graduate and undergraduate students to apply for our international internship program in Dushanbe.

Our internship program offers foreigners the chance to acquaint themselves with development work in Central Asia, a rapidly changing region comprising five separate countries. Participants gain experience in project implementation, research, and project evaluation. The program includes possible working trips to project sites. Previous participants have gone on to become major scholars in Central Asian studies and work for institutions like the UN and State Department. We accept interns at any time of the year, and are relatively flexible regarding the length of the internship.


  • He/she must express a deep interest in Central Asia and Tajikistan; as well as concerning the work of international organizations.
  • Proficiency in writing English; knowledge of Russian or Tajik is a plus.
  • Previous experience in international development projects is desirable.

Duration:  Three months Continue reading “Internship: The Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia (Dushanbe, Tajikistan)”

Job: Czech Speaking Data Analyst (Austin, TX)

Deadline for Applications: Ongoing Until Filled

See message below for details:

Apex Systems has a client in the Austin TX area looking for a fluent Czech speaker for a Data Analyst opportunity. This would be for a 12+ month contract and is a more entry level position. While this role might not be of interest to you, I wanted to connect with you to see if you happen to know anyone who might be interested in this type of role. If so, I can be reached directly at This client has multiple openings for fluent Czech and German speakers so I would be happy to speak with anyone you would recommend!

Brian McCann
Professional Recruiter at Apex Systems

Language Training: Armenian Language Winter School (Yerevan, Armenia)

Deadline for Applications: October 10, 2018

ASPIRANTUM – Armenian School of Languages and Cultures ( is pleased to announce its third International Armenian Language 2 and 3 weeks winter school in Yerevan, Armenia to take place from December 02, 2018 to December 15, 2018 (2 weeks) and December 02, 2018 to December 22, 2018 (3 weeks).

This 14 or 21 days’ winter school offers participants to master skills in written and oral modern Armenian, reading and interpreting Armenian texts from different periods as well as rapidly deepening their knowledge in colloquial Armenian.
During the winter school cultural trips will be offered, which will transform your stay in Armenia into an unforgettable, academically oriented endeavour.

The program will be launched in Yerevan on December 02 and will continue till December 15 (2 weeks) and December 22 (3 weeks). Continue reading “Language Training: Armenian Language Winter School (Yerevan, Armenia)”

Job: Franklin Fellows Program (Dept. of State)

Deadline for Applications: July 27, 2018

The Franklin Fellows Program is a unique and innovative program that taps citizens’ knowledge and enables approved organizations to promote public service by their professionals. Mid-career and more senior Franklin Fellows work on issues of vital importance to the United States, such as trade and financial policy, entrepreneurship, counterterrorism, regional issues, human rights, and trans-national diseases. Fellows are not compensated by the Department of State. Rather, their employers or other organization sponsor them, or they sponsor themselves. They return to their home organizations and communities with a much-enhanced knowledge of foreign and development policy and government operations and culture. If your organization has an international focus, allowing your employees to spend a sabbatical year as a Franklin Fellow can be an ideal way to develop their talent and position your organization to excel.

What is the Franklin Fellows Program?

Franklin Fellows are senior and mid-level professionals who serve a one-year unpaid fellowship at the Department of State or at USAID.

Working as experts and consultants on a wide range of issues and subjects, Franklin Fellows contribute their knowledge, experience, and specialized skills. While at State or USAID, Franklin Fellows gain first-hand insight into the world of foreign policy and development.

Franklin Fellows must be American citizens, with a minimum five years’ experience, and able to get a security clearance.

The Franklin Fellowship is not a path to employment at the Department of State or USAID.

After their year in Government, most “sponsored” Fellows return to their academic institutions, private-sector companies, and non-governmental organizations. The Franklin Fellowship is ideal as a sabbatical year for academics, or as an executive development program for the private sector, NGOs, and state and local government.

Some Fellows are “self-nominated” who use the Fellowship as an investment in their future, developing skills and rounding out their experience.

For more information, click here.

Academic Job: Professorship in Global Strategic Studies (Indiana U.)

Deadline for Applications: October 01, 2018

Title: Michael A. and Laurie Burns McRobbie Bicentennial Professorship in Global Strategic Studies

Position Summary: The Department of International Studies in the School of Global and International Studies at Indiana University seeks a scholar specializing in nuclear security, emerging technologies, and strategic studies to begin August 1, 2019. The holder of the position will occupy the Michael A. and Laurie Burns McRobbie Bicentennial Professorship in Global Strategic Studies, and will be hired at the rank of associate or full professor.

Interested candidates should review the application requirements and submit their application at: (

Applicants should submit a letter of application, curriculum vita, three letters of recommendation from colleagues at different institutions, research publications, course syllabi, and, if available, teaching evaluations online at: (

Review of applications will begin October 1, 2018. Applications will be considered until the position is filled.

Indiana University is an equal employment and affirmative action employer and a provider of ADA services. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, ethnicity, color, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation or identity, national origin, disability status or protected veteran status.

For more information, click here.

Academic Job: Full Professorship for ‘Transregional Central Asian Studies’ (Humboldt U.)

Deadline for Applications: October 03, 2018

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Asian and African Studies, invites applications for a

Full Professorship for ‘Transregional Central Asian Studies’ (W2)

starting 1 April 2019 and limited for 5 years. This is a tenure track position. In order to verify whether the individual performance meets the requirements of a permanent employment, an evaluation process will be opened not later than four years of service. The professorship will be funded by the „Bund-Länder-Programm zur Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses“.The aim of the programme is to pave the way for a secure career in academia for early stage researchers. Tenure track professors at the HU Berlin are expected to carry out research and teach, as well as be active on various university committees and acquire leadership and management skills. The concrete requirements out of the framework catalogue [] will be specified in the course of the appointment process.

The position has its sociocultural and linguistic focus on Central Asia. Teaching and research are supposed to cover not only Central Asia but also connections to other regions represented at the Department of Asian and African Studies. The thematic focus is on contemporary social developments in the fields of Islam, Muslim identities and migration. The successful applicant is supposed to study the linkages between Asia and Africa in these fields. Continue reading “Academic Job: Full Professorship for ‘Transregional Central Asian Studies’ (Humboldt U.)”

Internship: Virtual Intern (EducationUSA)

Deadline for Applications: July 31, 2018

Project Description

This internship is perfect for students interested in working with a dynamic group of students and supporting the future leaders of Ukraine. Interns will develop their cross-cultural, communication, presentation, and leadership skills as they work with the U.S. Embassy’s target audience of regional youth populations and internally displaced persons from Crimea and Donbas. In addition, interns will gain practical experience in international student advising.
EducationUSA is a U.S. Department of State network of advising centers in over 175 countries. Advising centers in Ukraine provide prospective applicants to U.S. colleges and universities with accurate, comprehensive, and timely information on opportunities to experience U.S. higher education. Interns selected for the project will work under the supervision of EducationUSA center in Kyiv and engage with students in the country-wide Competitive College Club program.
EducationUSA Ukraine is looking for two interns to work with a cohort of about 70 Ukrainians seeking admission to Bachelor, Master’s, or PhD programs in the U.S. Interns will engage with students by leading virtual workshops/presentations on the U.S. admissions process, campus culture, and American culture; proof reading essays, sharing their own college experiences, and co-leading book discussions.

Required Skills or Interests

-Analytical writing
-Editing and proofreading

For more information, and to apply, click here.

Graduate Program: PhD in Slavonic Studies (U. of Cambridge)

Deadline for Applications: Ongoing

PhD Opportunities in Slavonic Studies 2019

The Slavonic Studies section in the University of Cambridge invites applications from qualified students for a PhD in Slavonic Studies, beginning Autumn 2019.

The Slavonic Studies section at Cambridge engages in the advanced study of Russia, Poland, and Ukraine, with an emphasis on cultural history from the Middle Ages to the present day. It is home to a dynamic annual programme of public lectures, research seminars, conferences, and exhibitions. Its intellectual vitality is particularly evident in the fields of Pre-Modern East Slavic culture; Russian, Polish, and Ukrainian Literatures of the 19th and 20th centuries; Slavonic Linguistics; Nationalism Studies; Memory Studies; and Film and Visual Culture. Applications are welcome in any of these areas. For more information about Slavonic Studies at Cambridge, please consult

The University of Cambridge has been judged the best in the UK for Russian and East European Studies in the 2017 University Subject Tables compiled by The Complete University GuideThe Slavonic Studies section is part of the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages, which has a Graduate Centre with computing, study, seminar, and social areas. It maintains extensive library resources, which include the Catherine Cooke collection of Soviet visual materials. Graduate students at Cambridge benefit from a rich, diverse research culture, both within the Slavonic Studies section and the University as a whole.  

The Slavonic Studies section also works in close collaboration with the Cambridge Committee for Russian and East European Studies (CamCREES) and the Cambridge Centre for Research in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CRASSH).

For further information on graduate study in Cambridge, please Prospective applicants are encouraged to contact the Slavonic Studies Graduate Studies Officer (Dr. Olenka Pevny), or the Director of Section Dr. Emma Widdis ( and to attend the postgraduate open day on Friday 2 November 2018.