Academic Job: Visiting Assistant Professor of Russian (U. of Missouri)

Deadline for Applications: Ongoing Until Filled

Visiting Assistant Professor of Russian, AY2018-2019

The Russian program at the University of Missouri is looking for a full-time Visiting Assistant Professor of Russian, non-tenure track, ABD, or PhD, starting August 2018 for the 2018-12019 academic year. Teaching experience in language required. Responsibilities will include coordination and teaching in the elementary Russian sequence; at least one semester each of second- and third-year Russian language; other courses may include language, literature and/or culture, depending on VAP strengths and departmental need. Specialization or extensive training in second-language acquisition preferred. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until position is filled.

The University of Missouri is fully committed to achieving the goal of a diverse and inclusive academic community of faculty, staff and students. We seek individuals who are committed to this goal and our core campus values of respect, responsibility, discovery and excellence. The University of Missouri is an Equal Opportunity/Access/Affirmative Action/Pro Disabled & Veteran Employer.

Please apply on line at: (Job Opening ID 26608). Use the online application and be prepared to upload a cover letter and your CV.   Two reference letters are required and should be sent electronically to search committee chair, Dr. Martha Kelly ( Applicants may also contact Dr. Kelly with any questions about job duties. Contact Human Resource Services ( for any questions about the application process.

Conference: Governing Science, Governing by Science. Science and Technology in the Soviet Union 1945-1991 (DHI Moskau)

Conference Dates: October 5-6, 2018

International Conference
Governing Science, Governing by Science. Science and Technology in the Soviet Union (1945-1991)

Moscow 5th & 6th October 2018
Venue: DHI Moskau, Vorontsovskaya street, 8, b. 7

Friday 5th October

09.30-09.45. Arrival of participants, welcoming coffee

09.45-10.00. Grégory Dufaud (Sciences Po Lyon/LARHRA) and Larissa Zakharova (EHESS/CERCEC/CNRS/CEFR de Moscou). Introduction

Session 1. From Theoretical to Applied Science

Chair: Marc Elie (CNRS/CERCEC)

10am-10.20am. Paul Josephson (Colby College/CERCEC) – “Soviet Research Institutes and Big Industry: Branch Industrial Science in Metallurgy, Mining and Transportation, 1930-1980”

10.20am-10.40am. Andrey Indukaev (IDHES ENS Paris-Saclay/University of Helsinki) – “The Power of the Academy of Sciences in the Late Socialist System: The Role of Applied Projects”

10.40am-11.00am. Ksenia Tatarchenko (Université de Genève) – “Passing the Torch: Youth, Civic Virtues, and Spaces of Innovation in Novosibirsk Science-City”

11.00am-12.00pm. Discussion Continue reading “Conference: Governing Science, Governing by Science. Science and Technology in the Soviet Union 1945-1991 (DHI Moskau)”

Job: Resident Director in Almaty, Kazakhstan (American Councils)

Deadline for Applications: Ongoing Until Filled

American Councils is currently accepting applications for a Resident Director position based in Almaty, Kazakhstan. This is an excellent opportunity for a driven and passionate leader to assist U.S. college students in navigating the academic and cultural landscape of Kazakhstan while participating on a summer, semester, or academic year language immersion program. Please view the posting details below. All applications should be submitted through the link at the bottom of this message.


The Almaty Resident Director serves as the American Councils representative and in-country Program Director for participants on the Advanced Russian Language and Area Studies Program (RLASP), hosted by Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.  The Resident Director is available to program participants on a daily basis; observes student classes and meets regularly with teachers, administrators, and students;oversees student housing; and arranges group travel and cultural programs. The Almaty Resident Director is available to participants during any emergencies that arise and communicates regularly with the AC Study Abroad program staff in Washington, DC.  Prior to departure for Kazakhstan, the Resident Director attends American Councils orientation programs: for both resident directors, and for participants. The Resident Director travels to Kazakhstan with the student group at the beginning of the program and returns to Washington, DC with the group at the end of the program. Following return to Washington, DC, the Resident Director attends the post-program debrief. The Resident Director reports to the AC Study Abroad Senior Program Manager. All offers are contingent upon ability to receive and maintain a visa to the host country.

ANTICIPATED EMPLOYMENT DATE:  Mid-August 2018 to mid-August 2019 (covering three program periods: Fall 2018, Spring 2019 and Summer 2019) with possible re-appointment. Continue reading “Job: Resident Director in Almaty, Kazakhstan (American Councils)”

Academic Job: Asst. Professor, Russian Foreign Relations (Indiana U.)

Deadline for Applications: September 15, 2018

The Department of International Studies in the School of Global and International Studies at Indiana University seeks an assistant professor specializing in Russian foreign relations to begin August 1, 2019.  Applicants must hold a Ph.D. by the start of the appointment. Applications from all disciplines are welcome. The holder of the position will conduct research on the foreign relations of the Russian Federation, teach courses in the department, and be part of the university’s vibrant and distinguished Russian Studies community. The candidate’s research languages must include Russian.

Applicants should submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae, copies of two research publications, relevant course syllabi, and teaching evaluations (if available) online at Candidates must arrange for three letters of reference to be transmitted to the search committee to complete applications; directions will be included within the online application.

Indiana University is an equal employment and affirmative action employer and a provider of ADA services. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, ethnicity, color, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation or identity, national origin, disability status or protected veteran status. Interested candidates should review the application requirements and submit their application at: Please direct inquiries to the chair of the search committee, Ron Sela (; Indiana University, Bloomington; Global and International Studies Building, Room 2026; 355 N. Jordan Ave.; Bloomington, IN 47405-1105). Review of applications will begin September 15, 2018. Applications will be considered until the position is filled.

Internship: Virtual Student Federal Service Intern (Dept. of State)

Deadline for Applications: July 31, 2018

The U.S. Department of State is currently accepting applications for the Virtual Student Federal Service (VSFS).

The Virtual Student Federal Service is the largest virtual internship program in the world! This year we will offer 1,500 positions with 50+ federal agencies. VSFS offers unique mentoring and exposure to job opportunities within the U.S. government.

Each year, applications are open to U.S. college students during the entire month of July on USAJOBS. Real experience is waiting for students across the federal government, including at NASA, Smithsonian, U.S. Department of State, Forest Service, Indian Health Service, CIA, National Park Service and others. Learn moreabout the projects offered for 2018 through 2019. To #ApplyinJuly to their top three projects, students must log on to USAJOBS, create an account, build a resume, write a statement of interest, and upload a transcript.

Students play an important role in moving the government forward from analog to digital. There’s something for everyone: graphic design, research, mapping, videography, history, analysis, marketing, community management, writing, calculation, policy planning, app development, and more!

eInterns should expect to spend ten hours a week on their project from September through May. This is unpaid, volunteer work, but eInterns make connections that make a difference, gain valuable experience, and sometimes get course credit. All applicants must be U.S. citizens in student status at a university in the U.S. or abroad. VSFS is open to undergrad through PhD candidates taking classes full or part-time, in-person or on-line.

Conference: Comparative Perspectives and Russo-Kurdish Approaches (

Dates of Conference: June 5-6, 2018

Workshop on Tribes and Imperial Policies
Comparative Perspectives and Russo-Kurdish Approaches

‘’Tribes’’ – both as a concept and a highly diverse reality – loomed large in the policies of the empires and imperial assemblages that shaped world politics in the last two centuries. Across Africa, the Middle East and Eurasia, they became a key element in imperial, notably colonial, strategies of domination. From the Maghreb to India, they were used for their ‘’martial’’ qualities, but also served the ‘’management of difference’’ so central to the imperial mind. Yet, imperial attention to the tribal question was in itself indicative of modern evolutionary conceptions, which ranked socio-political structures in time and space.

As part of new project on the place of the Kurds in Russian imperial strategies in Eurasia (hosted by the EHESS), this workshop aims at providing critical insights into the historiography of relations between empires and tribes (5 June), before exploring the specificities of the Russo-Kurdish nexus (6 June). Historically focused, this workshop will draw on scholarship from disciplines such as ethnology, anthropology, historical sociology and imperial history in order to understand the features of these relations. The very concept of tribe and its numerous derivatives (clans, confederacies, nomads, etc.) will be discussed from the point of view of concrete imperial strategies.

More specifically, in a time when Russia’s presence in the Middle East has been the focus of much international attention, the second day of this workshop will explore Russo-Kurdish relations as a test case for the relevance of tribal perspectives on imperial role. Through an examination of their evolution across two centuries, it will set out potential directions for further research.

Funding: Documenting Endangered Languages (NSF)

Deadline for Applications: September 17, 2018

This funding partnership between the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) supports projects to develop and advance knowledge concerning endangered human languages. Made urgent by the imminent death of roughly half of the approximately 7000 currently used languages, this effort aims to exploit advances in information technology to build computational infrastructure for endangered language research. The program supports projects that contribute to data management and archiving, and to the development of the next generation of researchers. Funding can support fieldwork and other activities relevant to the digital recording, documenting, and archiving of endangered languages, including the preparation of lexicons, grammars, text samples, and databases. Funding will be available in the form of one- to three-year senior research grants as well as fellowships from six to twelve months.

For more information click here.

Funding: Doctoral Dissertation Research Fellowship (Fulbright-Hays)

Deadline for Applications: June 25, 2018

See message below for information:

“The U.S. Department of Education is offering dissertation fellowships for research abroad for students who are specializing in modern foreign languages and area studies.    A research project that focuses on one or more of the following areas:  Africa, East Asia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands, South Asia, the Near East, Central and Eastern Europe and Eurasia, and the Western Hemisphere (excluding the United States and its territories).  Please note that applications that propose projects focused on Western Europe will not be funded.

The notice of the Fulbright-Hays Dissertation Award is posted on the Department of Education’s Web site –

Applications for grants under the Fulbright-Hays DDRA Fellowship Program, CFDA number 84.022A, must be submitted electronically using the G5 e-Application system, accessible through the Department’s G5 site:

The Graduate School’s hard deadline for students to submit their applications online is Monday, June 25th at 5:00 p.m.   Washington’s deadline is July 2. I have set an earlier deadline so that we may review the applications and conduct our process.   If you wish to give your students an earlier deadline in order to review their projects that is completely up to you.

Please bring this announcement to the attention of your students who will advance to candidacy by next fall and who would benefit from subsidized research abroad.  I encourage you to post this information where your graduate students can see it.

THIS DEADLINE IS ABSOLUTE.  Please tell your students who plan to apply to let their recommenders know that their letters must be included in the student’s packet on this date (June 25th).”

Academic Job: Doctoral Research Fellowship in Linguistics (U. of Tromsø)

Deadline for Applications: August 20, 2018

One Doctoral Research Fellowship (PhD) within Linguistics (Cognitive Linguistics: Empirical Approaches to Russian) is available in the Department of Language and Culture at the University of Tromsø – The Arctic University of Norway (UiT). The position is affiliated with the CLEAR research group, Cognitive Linguistics: Empirical Approaches to Russian.

The appointment is a fixed term position for a period of four years.

The purpose of the PhD Research Fellowship is research training leading to the successful completion of a doctoral dissertation to be defended publically. The candidate will be affiliated with the Faculty’s organised research training, and the academic work must result in a doctoral thesis aiming to obtain the degree of PhD within the period of employment. Admission to a PhD programme is a prerequisite for employment, and the programme period starts on commencement of the position.

The successful candidate must meet the requirements for admission to the Faculty’s PhD program, cf. § 6 of UiT PhD regulations. Moreover, the applicant must prove English language proficiency equivalent to the standards of Norwegian Higher Education Entrance Qualification, see PhD Regulations UiT. For more information, see also

For further information about the position (and the project), please contact please contact Professor Laura A. Janda, e-mail: or Head of Department Eystein Dahl, phone +47 77 64 42 90, e-mail:    Continue reading “Academic Job: Doctoral Research Fellowship in Linguistics (U. of Tromsø)”

Funding: Albanian, Armenian, or Hebrew Summer Study (ASU)

Deadline for Applications: May 24, 2018

Partial funding and scholarships are still available for graduate students and undergraduates for Albanian, Armenian and Hebrew summer study this summer at Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona. Deadline May 24th for classes starting May 29th.

For course information:

For application instructions and links: