Funding: General Research Grants (Gerda Henkel Stiftung)

Deadline for Applications: June 13, 2018

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CFP: Europe in Discourse II: Agendas of Reform (Athens, Greece)

Deadline for Submissions: May 25, 2018

The 2nd Europe in Discourse Conference Agendas of Reform invites papers from a broad range of fields and perspectives on the following topics:

  • Values-based Reform, from Enlargement to Legitimization
  • Completing the EMU
  • EU Security and Defense
  • The Franco-German Relationship
  • The Transatlantic Dimension
  • The European Union and Islam
  • Greece and the European Union

Since Agendas of Reform follows the 1st Europe in Discourse Conference, contributions on the so-called “poly-crisis” of the EU, the refugee crisis and European populism on the right and the left are also welcome.

We also accept papers on the following topics:

  • Historical, geo-cultural, geo-economic and geopolitical aspects of European identities
  • Europe: super-diverse and globalized
  • Images of crisis and recovery in Europe
  • Conceptual blending, discourse and metaphors about Europe
  • Populist discourses and the EU
  • The Refugee crisis in EU discourses
  • European diversity through religion and culture
  • Discursive constructions of borders
  • Political discourse in the European Union
  • Media constructions of European identities

Continue reading “CFP: Europe in Discourse II: Agendas of Reform (Athens, Greece)”

Funding: Catherine Prelinger Award (CCWH)

Deadline for Applications: May 15, 2018

Catherine Prelinger Award

The CCWH Catherine Prelinger Award is a scholarship of $20,000 which will be awarded to a scholar of excellence. This award, named for Catherine Prelinger, a former CCWH president and nontraditional scholar, is intended to enhance the work of a contemporary scholar whose academic path has not followed the traditional path of uninterrupted study, moving from completed secondary, to undergraduate, then graduate degrees, followed by a tenure-track faculty position.

These funds were originally granted to CCWH by an anonymous donor in honor of the many years of work this organization has devoted to exploring women’s history, encouraging opportunities for women in the historical profession, and in educating young women to pursue careers in the historical profession. This award is intended to enhance the ability of the recipient to carry on these CCWH traditions through contributions to women in history, either through scholarly or professional activity.

Eligible applicants must be members of CCWH and must hold either A.B.D. status or the Ph.D. at the time of application. They shall be actively engaged in scholarship that is historical in nature, although the degree may be in related fields. Applicants will show evidence of a nontraditional professional career and describe a project that will further enhance women’s roles in history. The Prelinger Committee encourages applications from independent and non-academic scholars.

For more information, and to apply, click here.

Funding: Ida B. Wells Graduate Student Fellowship (CCWH)

Deadline for Applications: May 15, 2018

Ida B. Wells Graduate Student Fellowship

Ida B. Wells - Library of Congress
Ida B. Wells (Library of Congress)

The CCWH Ida B. Wells Graduate Student Fellowship is an annual award of $1000 given to a graduate student working on a historical dissertation that interrogates race and gender, not necessarily in a history department. The award is intended to support either a crucial stage of research or the final year of writing.

The applicant must be a CCWH member; must be a graduate student in any department of a U.S. institution; must have passed to A.B.D. status by the time of application; may hold this award and others simultaneously; and need not attend the award ceremony to receive the award.

For more information, and to apply, click here.

Funding: LGBT Studies Research Fellowship (Yale U.)

Deadline for Applications: April 20, 2018

Yale LGBT Studies Research Fellowship

The application deadline for the 2018-2019 Fellowship is April 20, 2018.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies at Yale University is proud to announce the second annual Yale LGBT Studies Research Fellowship. The Fellowship is offered annually, and is designed to provide access to Yale resources in LGBT Studies for scholars who live outside the greater New Haven area.

Scholars from across the country and around the world are invited to apply for the Yale LGBT Studies Research Fellowship. This fellowship supports scholars from any field pursuing research in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and/or queer studies at Yale University, utilizing the vast faculty resources, manuscript archives, and library collections available at Yale. Graduate students conducting dissertation research, independent scholars, and all faculty are invited to apply. Scholars residing within 100 miles of New Haven are ineligible.

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Funding: Fellowships (Bogliasco Foundation)

Deadline for Applications: April 15, 2018

Bogliasco Fellowships are awarded to gifted individuals working in all the disciplines of the Arts and Humanities without regard to nationality, age, race, religion or gender.

To be eligible for the award of a Fellowship, applicants should demonstrate significant achievement in their disciplines, commensurate with their age and experience. Please note that Bogliasco Fellowships are not awarded to students currently in a degree-granting program. The Foundation gives preference to those whose applications suggest that they would be comfortable working in an intimate, international, multilingual community of scholars and artists.

The Foundation only accepts applications submitted through the online application system. To access the system, you must first register for an account here, where you will also find a list of requirements that we strongly encourage you to read before beginning your application. Once registered, you may login as needed to work on your application by clicking on the “login” button indicated to the left.

For more information, and to apply, click here.

Funding: Einstein Fellowship (Einstein Forum)

Deadline: April 15, 2018

Einstein Fellowship

Awarded by the Einstein Forum and the Daimler and Benz Foundation
The Einstein Forum and the Daimler and Benz Foundation are offering a fellowship for outstanding young thinkers who wish to pursue a project in a different field from that of their previous research. The purpose of the fellowship is to support those who, in addition to producing superb work in their area of specialization, are also open to other, interdisciplinary approaches – following the example set by Albert Einstein.

The fellowship includes living accommodations for five to six months in the garden cottage of Einstein`s own summerhouse in Caputh, Brandenburg, only a short distance away from the universities and academic institutions of Potsdam and Berlin. The fellow will receive a stipend of EUR 10,000 and reimbursement of travel expenses.

Continue reading “Funding: Einstein Fellowship (Einstein Forum)”

Funding: Fellowships (NIAS)

Deadline for Applications: April 15, 2018

Individual Fellowship – non-Dutch

Individual fellowships for scholars with a non-Dutch affiliation, who wish to work on an individual project for 5 or 10 months. These fellowships are by application. The call for individual fellowships for the academic year 2019/20 is NOW OPEN.

Who can apply?

NIAS individual Fellowships are awarded to scholars to carry out advanced research in the humanities and the social sciences. Fellows have have already made a considerable contribution to their field.

In order to be considered eligible for a fellowship by NIAS, the following criteria and rules are applicable:
• At least 3 years of post-Ph.D. degree academic experience
• Applicants must have an affiliation with a university or research institute during the period of the fellowship. The NIAS Fellowship does not constitute an employment relationship: the fellow is and remains an employee of his or her own university or research institute. NIAS is thus not obligated to make social insurance contributions or to contribute to pension or unemployment insurances
• Applicants can only apply for either an individual fellowship or a theme-group fellowship in a single year, not for both
• If applicants were granted with an earlier fellowship at NIAS, they can apply for a new fellowship 10 years after finishing the first fellowship
• A completed online application form with all requested documents uploaded

Continue reading “Funding: Fellowships (NIAS)”

Funding: Post-Ph.D. Research Grants (Wenner-Gren Foundation)

Deadline for Applications: May 01, 2018 & November 01, 2018

Post-Ph.D. Research Grants

Post-Ph.D. Research Grants are awarded to individuals holding a Ph.D. or equivalent degree to support individual research projects. The program contributes to the Foundation’s overall mission to support basic research in anthropology and to ensure that the discipline continues to be a source of vibrant and significant work that furthers our understanding of humanity’s cultural and biological origins, development, and variation. The Foundation supports research that demonstrates a clear link to anthropological theory and debates, and promises to make a solid contribution to advancing these ideas. There is no preference for any methodology, research location, or subfield. The Foundation particularly welcomes proposals that employ a comparative perspective, can generate innovative approaches or ideas, and/or integrate two or more subfields.

The maximum amount of the Post-Ph.D. Research Grant is US $20,000. Please note: the Foundation has suspended the Osmundsen Initiative supplement.

Grants are for research expenses.  Applicants can apply regardless of institutional affiliation, country of residence, or nationality. There is no time limit on the duration of the grant and funding may be requested to cover distinct research phases (for example, two summers) if this is part of the research design. Application deadlines are May 1 andNovember 1. Final decisions are made six months later.

Applicants must submit their applications using the Foundation’s online application submission procedure as well as send printed copies to the Foundation by regular mail.

For more information click here.

Funding: Eugene K. Wolf Travel Fund (AMS)

Deadline for Applications: April 02, 2018

Eugene K. Wolf Travel Fund for European Research

The Eugene K. Wolf Travel Fund is intended to encourage and assist Ph.D. candidates in all fields of musical scholarship to travel to Europe to carry out the necessary work for their dissertation on a topic in European music. The fund will award one or more travel/research grants each year to students attending North American universities who have completed all requirements except the dissertation for the Ph.D. in any field of musical scholarship and who need to undertake research in Europe toward the dissertation.

Applications for the following AMS travel and research grants will be reviewed by a single committee. Since the terms for these grants have overlapping areas of emphasis, applicants may request to be considered for more than one, if appropriate. A place to indicate which travel/research grant(s) you wish to be considered for is given on the web form. Although applicants may request to be considered for several grants, one only may be awarded to successful applicants. No individual may receive a travel/research grant more than once in a three-year period. Continue reading “Funding: Eugene K. Wolf Travel Fund (AMS)”