Acad. Job: Visiting Assistant Professor of Russian (Oberlin College)

Deadline: February 10, 2020

Job Summary
The Department of Russian Language, Literature, and Culture at Oberlin College invites applications for a full-time, non-continuing faculty position in the College of Arts and Sciences. Appointment to this position will be for a term of one year, beginning July 2020, and will carry the rank of Visiting Assistant Professor of Russian.

Founded in 1833, Oberlin is a private four-year, selective liberal arts college near Cleveland, Ohio and is also home to an outstanding Conservatory of Music. Together, the two divisions enroll approximately 2900 students. Oberlin College was the first college in the US to make interracial education and co-education central to its mission. The College continues to view a diverse, equitable and inclusive educational environment as essential to the excellence of its academic program.

The incumbent will teach a total of five courses, including Russian language courses at either the introductory or intermediate level and several topical courses in English or Russian in the general area of Soviet and post-Soviet literature and culture (including cinema and media, music, visual art, performance, anthropology, or other areas). The incumbent will also participate in and contribute to a range of activities outside the classroom sponsored by the Russian Department and Russian and East European Studies.

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Acad. Job: Summer Language Instructors (University of Pittsburgh)

Deadline: Open until Filled

Pitt’s Summer Language Institute (SLI) is accepting applications for summer instructors for the following languages: Bulgarian, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Russian, and Slovak.
SLI seeks creative and enthusiastic instructors with experience in proficiency-based pedagogy. Please see the job posting copied below and apply at the attached link. Direct all inquiries and questions about the positions or SLI’s programs to
Thank you and best wishes for a joyful and productive 2020!

Instructors will teach 6- or 8-credit intensive courses during SLI’s summer sessions, which run from June 1-July 10 (6-credit courses) and June 1-July 24 (8-credit courses). Classes meet five days a week from 9am-2:50pm. In additional to classroom teaching, instructors are expected to help plan cultural programming for their language program and attend events for the whole institute, such as film and lecture series, workshops, and picnics. Depending on language, instructors may be asked to team teach.

Applicants must have a master’s degree in the language they will teach or related field and experience teaching in a college or university setting using the communicative approach or other proficiency-based methods.

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Acad. Job: Postdoctoral Fellow in Linguistics (HSE University, Moscow)

Deadline: February 9, 2020

The Higher School of Economics School of Linguistics in Moscow, Russia, invites applications for postdoctoral research positions in one of the following fields: second language acquisition, computational linguistics, machine learning, corpus linguistics, Slavic languages, computational lexicography, typology, lexical semantics, construction grammar, sociolinguistics, history of language.


The general requirements for the postdoctoral fellowship positions are the following:

  • Candidates must hold a recent PhD in the field of linguistics, Slavic languages, or computer science,  or related areas which was awarded over the last 5 years or received before starting work at HSE in a relevant field by an internationally recognized university and has been assessed by external reviewers as having the potential to pursue research that is publishable in leading peer-reviewed journals;
  • Candidates should have a strong background in computational, experimental, field, corpus or theoretical methods in linguistics, ability to work in a team, conduct and publish high quality research.
  • Fluent English is an obligatory condition as research and other activities are conducted in English. Knowledge of Russian is not required;
  • Relevant experience will be an asset although not required.
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Acad. Job: Visiting Lecturer in Russian Language/Literature (Bowdoin College)

Deadline: January 31, 2020

The Department of Russian at Bowdoin College invites applications for a one-year visiting lecturer position in the 2020-2021 academic year. The Department seeks a candidate who would welcome the opportunity to contribute to a small but vibrant and growing Russian program both inside and out of the classroom. Applicants should be trained in the latest methods of foreign language pedagogy and should be able to show evidence of excellence in teaching. Bowdoin provides conference travel support as well as competitive internal funding for research and other professional development.

The successful candidate will teach five courses over the academic year: these may include language at various levels, content-based advanced language courses and/or literature and culture courses taught in English. Candidates must have native or near-native proficiency in both Russian and English. Ph.D. in Russian language and literature is preferred; ABD candidates considered.

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Acad. Job: Professorship of Slavonic Studies (University of Cambridge)

Deadline: January 27, 2020

The Board of Electors to the Professorship of Slavonic Studies invite applications for this Professorship from persons whose work falls within the general field of the Professorship to take up appointment on 1 October 2020 or as soon as possible thereafter.

Candidates will have an outstanding research record of international stature in the field of Slavonic Studies and the vision, leadership, experience and enthusiasm to build on current strengths in maintaining and developing a leading research presence.  They will hold a PhD or equivalent postgraduate qualification.

Standard professorial duties include teaching and research, examining,supervision and administration.  The Professor will be based in Cambridge.  A competitive salary will be offered.

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Acad. Job: Visiting Assistant Professor of Russian Studies (College of Wooster)

Deadline: January 15, 2020

The Department of German and Russian Studies at The College of Wooster invites applications for a one-year benefits-eligible visiting position in Russian Studies at the level of Assistant Professor, beginning in August 2020. We are looking for a broadly trained generalist who will contribute language and culture courses to our curriculum.

We are especially interested in hiring faculty who can contribute to the intellectual vibrancy and diversity of the academic community through their teaching, research, and service. The College of Wooster enrolls a diverse student body (21% domestic students of color and 15% international students); all applicants are expected to discuss their experience working with diverse student populations.

The successful candidate should have a demonstrated ability to teach courses and advise research projects in diverse areas of Russian Studies. Throughout the year, they will teach the equivalent of 4.5 courses, including introductory and intermediate courses in the Russian Language; a survey course in Russian film or literature, taught in English; and credited supervision of independent thesis projects as part of the College’s Independent Study program. Area of specialization is open.

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Acad. Job: Visiting Assistant Professor of Russian (Colby College)

Deadline: January 31, 2020

Colby College announces a one year, Visiting Assistant Professor (VAP) position for a specialist in Russian Language and Literature in the Department of German and Russian for the academic year 2020-2021, to begin September 1, 2020. This is a four course teaching load, including three in Russian language and one in Literature and Culture in translation. Applicants must hold a Ph.D. by the date of appointment. To apply, please send the following materials to a cover letter; current curriculum vitae; three confidential letters of recommendation; and a statement of teaching philosophy and research interests that should include evidence of a commitment to the value of diversity and experience with inclusive teaching.

Please address cover letter to Professor Cedric Bryant, Interim Department Chair. Review of materials will begin on January 3, 2020 and continue until the search is completed.

Colby is a private, coeducational liberal arts college that admits students and makes employment decisions on the basis of the individual’s qualifications to contribute to Colby’s educational objectives and institutional needs. Colby College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, religion, ancestry or national origin, age, marital status, genetic information, or veteran’s status in employment or in our educational programs. Colby is an Equal Opportunity employer, committed to excellence through diversity, and encourages applications from qualified persons of color, women, persons with disabilities, military veterans and members of other under-represented groups. Colby complies with Title IX, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in an institution’s education programs and activities. Questions regarding Title IX may be referred to Colby’s Title IX coordinator or to the federal Office of Civil Rights. For more information about the College, please visit our website:

Acad. Job: Visiting Assistant Professor of Russian and East European Studies and Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow In Russian History (Oberlin College)

Deadline: February 14, 2020

 Oberlin College, Russian Department and Russian and East European Studies Committee 

The Russian Department and the Russian and East European Studies Committee at Oberlin College invites applications for a full-time, non-continuing faculty positiоn as a Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in Russian History in the College of Arts and Sciences. Appointment to this position will be for a term of two years beginning in July 2020 and will carry the rank of Visiting Assistant Professor of Russian and East European Studies; the successful candidate will also have a courtesy appointment in the History Department. The position is supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and by a challenge grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Deadline: Feb. 14.

Acad. Job: Visiting Position in Ukrainian Studies (Columbia)

Deadline: January 14, 2020

Columbia University invites applications for an appointment in Ukrainian studies to be filled at the rank of assistant, associate, or full visiting professor for one semester (fall or spring) in the academic year 2020-2021. Rank commensurate with experience. Ph.D. or equivalent is required. History is the preferred area of research and teaching specialization, but literary/cultural studies and other areas will also be considered. The successful candidate will be appointed in one of the Humanities or Social Science Departments in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and will teach two courses: a course of broad interest for upper-level undergraduates and a second course for graduate students. Additionally, the successful candidate will be expected to give one public lecture and to participate in the academic life of the University, including as an affiliate of the Harriman Institute.

Applicants should submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae, the names of three persons who may be asked to provide a letter of reference, a modest sample (article or book or dissertation chapter) of scholarship, and past teaching evaluations, if available. The letter of application should include a statement indicating which semester the applicant prefers to teach, a short list of possible courses which the applicant might teach, and a description of the applicant’s current research interests.
All applications must be submitted online at:
Review of applications will begin January 15, 2020 and continue until the position is filled.

Columbia University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer -Race/Gender/Disability/Veteran.

Acad. Job: Adjunct Assistant Professor of Russian (Bucknell University)

Deadline: February 29, 2020

The Department of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics at Bucknell University invites applications for a renewable, full-time, non-tenure-track lectureship position in Russian language to begin August 1, 2020, with a two-year initial appointment. The successful candidate will teach Russian language at all levels, with a concentration on the Elementary and Intermediate sequence. The teaching load is 3/3, which is expected to include a first-year, writing-intensive seminar, and a general course on Russian culture in the candidate’s area of specialization, both taught in English. Possibility for on-going renewal will be contingent on demonstrated teaching effectiveness and the continuing needs of the Russian Studies Program. The successful candidate should possess native or near-native fluency in Russian and exhibit a demonstrated interest in Russian language teaching methodology. Candidates are expected to have a Ph.D. or be ABD in the area of Russian language and literature. Evidence of successful college-level teaching experience is required.

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