CFP: ESCAS 2023 Regional Conference – “Power, People and Cultural Change in an Ever Evolving Central Asia”

Deadline: March 15, 2023

22 – 24 September 2023, Almaty, Kazakhstan 

Deadline for abstract submission : 15 March 2023


The European Society for Central Asian Studies (ESCAS) invites proposals for individual papers, panels and round-table discussions for the 18th ESCAS conference, which will take place on 22-24 September 2023, in Almaty, Kazakhstan. In line with regional traditions, the conference will have a nomadic format and will be held in collaboration with  the German-Kazakh University, Ablai Khan University, Al Farabi University and KIMEP University. This format will allow you to experience different academic environments and networking with colleagues from various disciplines. 

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CFP: The Weird Russian 19th Century

Deadline: March 1, 2023

Symposium: The Weird Russian 19th Century

April 28, 2023

Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ (via Zoom)

Organizers: Arpi Movsesian and Chloë Kitzinger (Rutgers University)

Keynote speaker: Jacob Emery (Indiana University Bloomington) 

Nineteenth-century Russian literature is weird. But what is it exactly that makes it weird? Russophone writers of the era wrestled with different aspects of this umbrella category as a kind of strangeness, otherness, and disability. Meanwhile, a rise in the medicalization of eccentricity in this time period, in Russia as elsewhere, led to both diagnoses and cultural perceptions of difference as deviancy. As such, women, minorities, and those on the margins were particularly vulnerable to being categorized as “weird” in their portrayals in Russophone works. How do writers of the nineteenth century grapple with the weird, find meaning, beauty, ugliness, or perplexity within it, and ultimately push the boundaries of the acceptable and the “normal”? 

We welcome 250-word abstracts for 15-minute paper presentations on weirdness broadly defined in Russophone literature of the nineteenth century. Presentations will be followed by ample time for discussion. Please submit your abstract to by March 1, 2023. Selected participants will be notified by March 15.

The symposium will take place on Zoom. 

CFP: Central Eurasian Studies Society 23th Annual Conference

Deadline: March 1, 2023

We are delighted to announce that the call for proposals for CESS 2023 is now open. Proposal submissions may be made until March 1, 2023.

Central Eurasian Studies Society 23th Annual Conference, October 19-22, 2023
Center for Governance and Markets at the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh PA, USA

About the Annual Conference

CESS Conferences have been held at universities around North America and Central Eurasia since 2000 alongside our concurrently offering up to 70 panels and attracting around 300 participants from all over the world. For CESS 2023, we invite submissions relating to all aspects of humanities and social science scholarship. The geographic domain of Central Eurasia encompasses Central Asia, the Caucasus, Iran, Afghanistan, Tibet, Mongolia, Siberia, Inner Asia, the Black Sea region, the Volga region, and East and Central Europe. Practitioners and scholars in all fields with an interest in this region are encouraged to participate.
In addition, we invite proposals from CESS members to design and facilitate pre-conference workshops. The pre-conference workshops will be held on the morning of October 19 ahead of the conference opening that afternoon.
We encourage in-person participation but the conference will be fully hybrid, so proposals are welcome from those who will be unable to attend.

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CFP: Non-Tenure Track Virtual Conference 

Deadline: February 13, 2023

Please consider submitting a proposal to Hills and Hollers: The Challenges and Kinship of Academic Life off the Tenure Track. This inaugural conference for non-tenure track faculty in higher education will take place virtually on June 29 & 30, 2023.  Our goal in organizing this event is to facilitate connections among non-tenure track faculty and to highlight the innovative work of various people and institutions. 

We welcome submissions on topics such as workload, pay equity, professional development, advocacy, diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice on the non-tenure track, and many others (see CFP). 

The CFP is linked here and included in the body of the email below. You can also copy and paste the link in your browser:

We hope you’ll also share this CFP with your colleagues.

Feel free to email us ( with any questions.

CFP: Character Assassination, Illiberalism, and the Erosion of Civic Rights

Deadline: February 15, 2023

On June 21-23, the University of Amsterdam and VU University in collaboration with CARP (the Research Lab for Character Assassination and Reputation Politics) and the Illiberalism Studies Program will host the interdisciplinary conference “Character Assassination, Illiberalism, and the Erosion of Civic Rights”. We invite all scholars of Slavic, East European Studies and Eurasian Studies to submit an abstract.

Liberal democracies face multiple external challenges from autocracies across the world, as well as internal challenges from populist politicians, nativism, and the normalization of incivility in media and political discourses. Character assassination (CA) often accompanies these political and social conflicts, especially when unresolved ideological and moral issues are involved. Social conflicts become aggravated when moral issues intermix with political and economic factors. Factions then resort to persuasive attacks on character to delegitimize and disempower their opponents. This increased polarization and aggressiveness of elite rhetoric likely foster voters’ cynicism and discontent with politics as usual. The increasing gap between liberal elites and the disgruntled electorate, in turn, likely provides even more fertile ground for intra-elite conflict, and paves the way for illiberal conceptions of the democratic order. 

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CFP: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, “The American Century & Its Challenges: U.S., Russia, P.R. China.”CFP:

Deadline: March 15, 2023

It is by now legendary that the 20th century was “the American Century.”  But, did the West celebrate prematurely the implosion of the Soviet empire?  Apart from the “Havana Syndrome,” Putin’s Russia, and its war in Ukraine, remains a major geopolitical rival, with its hackers holding U.S. companies hostage for ransom.  Among communist one-party states–People’s Republic of China, N. Korea, Vietnam, Laos, and Cuba–“China” poses the greatest challenge.  China’s hackers steal U.S. civilian and military tech secrets, while its trade and investment policies, 5G broadband, quantum communications, and Artificial Intelligence aim to create dependent “vassal” states, undermining democracies abroad, and suppressing dissent at home (laogai-the Chinese Gulag).  Thus, U.S. companies are constrained by lack of parts that are manufactured abroad, including strategic high tech and medicines.  A 2020 student petition demanded the closure of Confucius institutes in U.S., most of which reopened under different names reflecting China’s Playbook of disinformation, censorship, and control, enticing foreign entities with gifts (Trojan Horses), with strings attached.  The question arises: Can the U.S. heal its unprecedented internal social divisions of identity politics, and find the courage to withstand China’s “smoke-and-mirrors” gambit for world domination?  According to David P. Goldman’s You Will Be Assimilated: China’s Plan to Sino-Form the World, “China” has seized the Fourth Industrial Revolution and thrown down the gauntlet globally, seeking the ultimate triumph of its “Made in China” strategy.  Can democracies compete with dictatorships in the 21st century without becoming like their adversaries?  And, can the U.S. declare its economic independence, rebuild its manufacturing, and strengthen democratic institutions, while reclaiming its technological leadership?

This proposed thematic volume has a double-focus:
(A) Russia-Ukraine Conflict; 
(B) P.R. China’s Quest for World Dominance.

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CFP: Migration Narratives and Border Studies (University of Gdansk)

Deadline: March 1, 2023

The Border Studies Group (BSG) and the International Border Studies Center (IBSC) at the University of Gdansk welcome proposals for the Border Seminar 2023 on the theme of “Migration Narratives”, as well as the wider field of Border Studies, especially as it relates to accounts of migration experience and the emerging interdisciplinary field of border aesthetics.

The Border Seminar is an interdisciplinary conference organized at the University of Gdańsk by the BSG, an international team of literary/cultural scholars, linguists, historians, sociologists, artists, and educators interested in research and pedagogy centered on the notion of the border. 

Johan Schimanski and Jopi Nyman (2021) argue that migration is the “master narrative” underlying the conceptual metaphors and concrete images of “the path, the bridge, the door (and implicitly the threshold) and the window,” which Georg Simmel, in his pioneering work on “border aesthetics,” proposed as “the central figurations of the divisions and joinings between different spaces”. Schimanski and Nyman apply Simmel’s concepts to explain that “migrants follow routes (paths), they pass through crossing points (bridges), they are excluded and have to wait outside selective barriers in order to enter (doors), and they can see a better life on the other side of the border (windows)” (Schimanski and Nyman). In other words, border aesthetics can be thought of as imaginings of migration or movement articulated as border-crossings and bordering processes. 

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CFP: SlavX #Connexions Conference (UT Austin)

Deadline: February 24, 2023

SlavX invites you to the #Connexions Conference at The University of Texas at Austin, April 9-12, 2023. Creating an international space for discourse on global media in diplomacy and foreign policy, #Connexions will bring together multidisciplinary scholars, policy experts, and media practitioners to share current research, experience, and expertise on the highly complex and hostile media landscape in order to make informed policy recommendations for a more effectual U.S. communications strategy in regions of social and political upheaval. 

Through panels, talks, and moderated discussions, established and emerging experts will take a multi-pronged approach to modern communications, highlighting the inestimable power of media as not only a tool for persuasion, education, nation-building, and mass mobilization, but also as a weapon. Panels will feature the work of current media organizations abroad; delve into the history of media diplomacy and propaganda efforts, particularly during the twentieth century; and lay bare the many information challenges today, particularly in countries like China, Russia, and Afghanistan, and in the Middle East region as well. Furthermore, with disinformation as an added aspect of modern warfare, UT Austin’s Global Disinformation Lab will be a featured research partner, presenting recent findings, policy recommendations, and solutions for the convoluted “post-truth” world. 

This event will take place both in-person and virtually to enable global participation. Registration for in-person attendance opens January 17, 2023. Our CALL FOR PAPERS is open now! 

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CFP: Content-Based Teaching of Russian

Deadline: January 28, 2023

Call for Proposals for Research and Pedagogical Case Studies 

Content-Based Teaching of Russian

Do you teach content in Russian as a foreign, second, or heritage language? Please consider submitting a proposal for the edited volume Content-Based Teaching of Russian in the Routledge series on Russian language pedagogy and research    

We would like to hear from various fields and backgrounds of Russian language instruction. Language of publication: English; 3,000 to 8,000 words + references and appendices.

We are equally interested in theory-heavy explorations, research, and submissions that focus on teaching practice. International participation is especially encouraged.

Submit proposals to the editors Svetlana Nuss, University of Alaska, and Maria Khotimsky, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, via

Proposal requirements: up to a 300-word expression of interest, outlining main arguments and methodology, if applicable, along with a short professional background of the author/s.

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CFP: Wisconsin Slavic Conference

Deadline: February 19, 2023

Wisconsin Slavic Conference 

March 24-25, 2023

University of Wisconsin-Madison 

Abstracts for 20-minute papers on any aspect of Slavic literatures, cultures (including film, music, and the visual arts), linguistics, and history are invited for the annual Wisconsin Slavic Conference. Comparative topics and interdisciplinary approaches are welcome and encouraged. The conference will be held in-person at the University of Wisconsin-Madison on Friday and Saturday, March 24 and 25, 2023.  

Recent conference programs are available on the Wisconsin Slavic Conference website at

This year’s keynote lecture will be delivered by Professor Yuliya Ilchuk (Stanford University).

To present a paper at the Wisconsin Slavic Conference, please submit a proposal by February 19, 2023

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