CFP: The First Wave of Russian Emigration

Deadline: October 26 2020

The Research Centre for Russian Studies and Methodology invites you to participate in a series of symposia on The First Wave of Russian Emigration, the opening event of which will take place on November 13, 2020, online.

The aim of the opening symposium “The First Wave of Russian Emigration: Focal Points of Research” will be to explore the range of research topics regarding the first wave of Russian emigration with an interdisciplinary approach.

Experts studying the first wave of Russian emigration face a multifaceted set of phenomena, which can be approached from various angles. Besides researching the lives of individual émigrés and personal decision-making strategies, it is possible to group émigrés by geographic, professional, and ideological factors. The examination of these groups, as well as emigree institutions, scientific schools and press may help exploring the dynamics and collective identity of émigré communities.

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CFP: 16th Annual Meeting of the Slavic Linguistics Society (Hokkaido University, Japan)

Proposal Deadline: March 15, 2021

Slavic-Eurasian Research Center of Hokkaido University ( is pleased to inform that the 16th Annual Meeting of the Slavic Linguistics Society (SLS-16) will take place at Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan. 

The conference website has just been launched: and the conference FB page is also ready:

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CFP: Literary Classics and Intellectual Autonomy in the Soviet World from 1920s to 1980s

Deadline: November 30, 2020

Online Conference: March 26th 2021
This one-day conference aims to explore how classic works of “foreign” literature were experienced by different groups of readers in the Soviet Union from the 1920s to the 1980s. For many Soviet citizens, regardless of their social status and political views, fictional worlds from bygone centuries and alien cultures formed an alternative reality that allowed them to escape the difficulties of everyday life. The translation and publication of classics helped those intellectuals who did not toe the party line to survive, both physically and morally. By attempting to use the concept of world literature for propagandist aims the state unwittingly created a zone of intellectual autonomy that it could not penetrate. We are particularly interested in papers that interrogate ideological positions and interpretative models, regardless of whether they aim to address institutional or individual aspects of literary reception.

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Conference: Sacred Geography: Multi-Disciplinary Approaches to Time and Space (Nazarbayev University)

Event date: September 25-26, 2020

International Virtual Conference

This conference aims to bring together multidisciplinary approaches, including in the fields of religious studies, cultural anthropology, archaeology, history among others, to sacred landscapes, religious sites, and spatial dimensions of religion. The conference is dedicated to any set of themes, regions, religious traditions, methodologies and technologies that advance the theoretical and analytical paradigms of space and place. The conference will be attended by researchers in humanities and social sciences from such countries as Kazakhstan, Russia, China, USA, France, Germany, Czech Republic, Australia, Singapore, who use new methodologies in studying the role of space and place in religious traditions. The conference will feature projects with a digital humanitarian or the social component, including technologies such as photogrammetry, electronic atlases, cartography, and GIS in the field of pedagogy, tourism and cultural heritage preservation.

The working languages of the conference will be Kazakh, Russian and English.

See the conference program for more details.

CFP: 7th International Conference on Language Documentation & Conservation (University of Hawai’i)

Deadline: September 30, 2020

Recognizing Relationships
The 7th International Conference on Language Documentation & Conservation (ICLDC)
University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
March 4-7, 2021

COVID-19 Statement

Due to COVID-19, ICLDC 2021 will be held virtually. The ICLDC 7 organizers are excited about this year’s theme, and the possibilities for broad international discussion that an online conference can offer.

We are currently investigating what technologies we will use and how the conference will take shape and how we can accommodate time zone differences for presenters, as well as family and work obligations.

We look forward to your participation. Please “join” us!

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CFP/Conference: 7th International Conference on Language Documentation & Conservation (University of Hawai’i)

Deadline: September 30, 2020

ICLDC 2021: General Session proposals (papers & posters – deadline: September 30, 2020)

While we especially welcome abstracts that address the conference theme, we also welcome abstracts on other subjects in language documentation and conservation, which may include but are not limited to:

  • Archiving and mobilizing language materials 
  • Ethical issues
  • Indigenous language education
  • Indigenous sign languages
  • Language and its relation to health and well being
  • Language planning
  • Language reclamation and revitalization
  • Language work in the era of covid-19
  • Lexicography, grammar, orthography and corpus design
  • Multidisciplinary language documentation
  • Successful models of documentation
  • Technology in documentation and reclamation
  • Topics in areal language documentation
  • Training and capacity building in language work
  • Other
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Conference: Community-Based Heritage Language Schools

Event Date: October 9-October 10, 2020

Please join us online for the 2020 Conference of Community-Based Heritage Language Schools. We hope that leaders of community-based schools across the country will have the opportunity to participate. 

The conference will be held Friday, October 9, 12:30 – 6:00 PM and Saturday, October 10, 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM – Eastern time

After the conference opening, we will have an opportunity to interact with leaders of organizations and initiatives that are of interest and can be helpful to heritage language schools. There will then be six workshops on topics that are of interest to leaders in these schools. You will be able to participate in all six workshops, if you choose. There will also be a panel of leaders in the language field, with whom you will be able to interact. See the conference program, and speakers and workshop leaders, here. Join us by registering today!

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Conference/CFP: Internet Communication: Multiformat and Multifunctionality (Higher School of Social Sciences, Russia)

Deadline: August 30, 2020 (conference); September 10, 2020 (papers)

You are invited to take part in the conference ‘Internet Communication: Multiformat and Multifunctionality’,  29 – 30 October 2020 in Arkhangelsk (Russia), held by the Higher School of Social Sciences, Humanities and International Communication of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov in Arkhangelsk with the support of the Lecturate of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in Ekaterinburg. 

Internet-communication today develops in a direction, where different formats and modi are used, which interact with each other and lead to the appearance of new communicative phenomena  –  e.g. Internet memes, live-broadcasting or photo-histories.

We propose researchers from different fields of research to think about and reflect on the linguistic, social, psychological and pragmatic kind of communicative phenomena on the Internet. Researchers, university teachers,  PhD candidates and postgraduate students are invited to participate in the conference.                                                                         

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Conference/CFP: Internet Communication: Multiformat and Multifunctionality (Russian, English, German)

Deadline: September 10, 2020

You’re invited to take part in the conference ‘Internet Communication: Multiformat and Multifunctionality’,  29 – 30 October 2020 in Arkhangelsk (Russia), held by the Higher School of Social Sciences, Humanities and International Communication of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov in Arkhangelsk with the support of the Lecturate of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in Ekaterinburg.

Internet-communication today develops in a direction, where different formats and modi are used, which interact with each other and lead to the appearance of new communicative phenomena  –  e.g. Internet memes, live-broadcasting or photo-histories.

We propose researchers from different fields of research to think about and reflect on the linguistic, social, psychological and pragmatic kind of communicative phenomena on the Internet. Researchers, university teachers,  PhD candidates and postgraduate students are invited to participate in the conference.                                                                         

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Conference: The 7th International Conference on Language Documentation & Conservation (ICLDC)

Deadline: August 1; September 30, 2020

Recognizing Relationships
The 7th International Conference on Language Documentation & Conservation (ICLDC)
University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
March 4-7, 2021

The Executive Committee of the 7th International Conference on Language Documentation & Conservation (ICLDC 7) has put together this FAQ to address questions that we have received concerning our Call for Workshops and Talk Story sessions (deadline August 1, 2020) and our General Session Call for Papers (deadline September 30, 2020) as well as questions regarding Registration fees. The Executive Committee will continue to update this FAQ and our website as more information becomes available. 

Frequently Asked Questions for ICLDC 7

  1. What is the schedule for ICLDC 7 going to be like? How will ICLDC 7 accommodate presenters and participants from different time zones?

The ICLDC Executive Committee aims to make the conference as accessible as possible to as many different people as possible. So, we are planning to have a staggered schedule with two blocks each day of the conference. That is, we will hold a morning block in Hawai‘i, which will be convenient for participants from the Americas, Europe, Africa, and potentially Australia, and an evening block in Hawai‘i, which will be convenient for Asia, Australia, Europe, and Africa. While this schedule provides additional challenges for the conference organizers, we hope that it will encourage broad international participation. We feel that holding ICLDC7 virtually is an opportunity for many people to present and attend the conference. We do not want the schedule to prevent anyone from attending.  

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