Funding Opportunity: Language Legacies Award (Endangered Language Fund)

Deadline for Applications: March 20, 2017

Title: Language Legacies
Sponsor: Endangered Language Fund
Amount: $4,000, average $2,000

Description: The Endangered Language Fund provides grants for language documentation and revitalization, and for linguistic fieldwork. The work most likely to be funded is that which serves both the native community and the field of linguistics, although projects which have immediate applicability to one group and more distant applicability to the other will also be considered. Support for publication is a low priority, although it will be considered. Proposals can originate in any country. The language involved must be in danger of disappearing within a generation or two. Endangerment is a continuum, and the location on the continuum is one factor in our funding decisions. Language activists and researchers from any country are eligible to apply.

How to Apply: Contact your departmental and Contracts Specialist or Brook Davis ( in Liberal Arts Grants Services and the return Proposal Review Form by March 20.

More Info:

Funding Opportunity: Joseph B. & Toby Gittler Prize (Brandeis U.)

Deadline for Applications: April 01, 2017

Title: Joseph B. and Toby Gittler Prize
Sponsor: Brandeis University
Amount: $25,000

Description: Recipients of the Joseph B. and Toby Gittler Prize will have produced a body of published work that reflects scholarly excellence and a lasting contribution to racial, ethnic and/or religious relations anywhere in the world. Recipients need not be American citizens or reside in the United States. To be considered for the Prize, candidates must be formally nominated. Self nominations are not accepted.

How to Apply: Send nominations directly to the sponsor by April 1. See the grant announcement for a complete list of materials to be submitted with the nomination. 

More Info:

Prof. Devel.: Graduate Student Essay Prize (ASEEES)

Deadline for Submissions: June 1, 2017


The ASEEES Graduate Student Essay Prize was established in 2006 and is awarded for an outstanding essay by a graduate student in Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies. The winner of the competition receives free roundtrip domestic airfare to and room at the ASEEES Annual Convention and an honorary ASEEES membership for the following year. The prize is presented during the awards presentation at the Annual Convention.


Anca Mandru, “The ‘Socialist Intellectual Brotherhood’ and the Nationalist Challenge,” PhD Candidate in the Department of History at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


Rules of eligibility for the ASEEES Graduate Student Essay Prize competition are as follows:

ASEEES Regional Affiliates and Institutional Members are invited to hold their own competitions for best essay among their graduate students, and submit the winning paper to the ASEEES Grad Student Prize Committee.

Essay author must be a graduate student and must have written the essay in English while in a graduate program.

Essays can be any of several formats:

Funding Opportunity: The Robert C. Tucker/Stephen F. Cohen Dissertation Prize (ASEEES)

Deadline for Applications: May 15, 2017


The Robert C. Tucker/Stephen F. Cohen Dissertation Prize, established in 2006 and sponsored by the KAT Charitable Foundation, is awarded annually (if there is a distinguished submission) for an outstanding English-language doctoral dissertation in Soviet or Post-Soviet politics and history in the tradition practiced by Robert C. Tucker and Stephen F. Cohen. The dissertation must be defended at an American or Canadian university, and must be completed during the calendar year prior to the award. The prize carries a $5,000 award intended to help the author turn the dissertation into a publishable manuscript. The prize is awarded at the ASEEES Annual Convention.

Leah Daphne Goldman, “Art of Intransigence: Soviet Composers and Art Music Censorship, 1945-1957,” University of Chicago, 2015

Rules of eligibility for the ASEEES Robert C. Tucker/Stephen F. Cohen Dissertation Prize are as follows:

  • The dissertation must be written in English and defended at a university in the United States or Canada;
  • The dissertation must be completed and defended during the calendar year prior to the award (for example, the dissertation must have been defended in 2012 to be eligible for the 2013 competition);
  • The dissertation’s primary subject and analytical purpose must be in the realm of the history of domestic politics, as broadly understood in academic or public life, though it may also include social, cultural, economic, international or other dimensions. The dissertation must focus primarily on Russia (though the topic may also involve other former Soviet republics) during one or more periods between January 1918 and the present. Continue reading “Funding Opportunity: The Robert C. Tucker/Stephen F. Cohen Dissertation Prize (ASEEES)”

Funding Opportunity: Dissertation Research Grant (ASEEES)

Deadline for Applications: April 30, 2017


Thanks to the generosity of donors and members, the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies is sponsoring up to ten grants annually, at a maximum of $5000 each, for the purposes of conducting doctoral dissertation research in Eastern Europe and Eurasia in any aspect of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian studies in any discipline.  These awards may be held concurrently with other partial funding sources, but are intended to support students whose projects have not yet been fully supported. The grant recipient cannot concurrently hold the Cohen-Tucker Dissertation Research Fellowship, Fulbright-Hays DDRA, SSRC IDRF and other similarly fully-funded fellowships.  The grant is for primary dissertation research, not for dissertation write-up.


  • Applicant may be a graduate student of any nationality, in any discipline currently enrolled in a PhD program in the United States
  • Applicant must have successfully achieved PhD candidacy (ABD status) by the start of the proposed research travel
  • Applicant must have language proficiency to conduct the proposed research
  • Applicant must be a student member of ASEEES at the time of application
  • Applicant must plan to conduct research in one or more of countries within the region covered by ASEEES, including: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyz Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan
  • Applicant must plan to start the research travel within the same calendar year following the receipt of the fellowship (Ex: Upon notification of the fellowship in the summer of 2017, the grant recipient must start his/her research travel no later than December 31, 2017)
  • Applicant must not hold the Cohen-Tucker Dissertation Research Fellowship, Fulbright-Hays DDRA, SSRC IDRF and other similarly fully-funded fellowships for the same research project


The grant amount is maximum $5000, which must be spent on expenses outside the US conducting research in the eligible country or countries, listed above. NOTE: The fellowship does not support tuition and fee payments to the applicant’s US home institution.  Continue reading “Funding Opportunity: Dissertation Research Grant (ASEEES)”

Funding Opportunity: Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships (UT-Austin)

Deadline for Applications: February 10, 2017

Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships
Summer 2017 & Academic Year 2017–18

Applications NOW OPEN

Application Deadline: Friday, February 10th, 2017 by 5:00pm

Award Notification by early April.

CREEES offers FLAS Fellowships to fund highly competitive graduate (incoming and continuing) and undergraduate students for the study of regional foreign languages, including:

Bosnian • Bulgarian • Croatian • Czech •Persian/Tajik* • Polish • Romani* • Russian • Serbian •Turkish* • Ukrainian • Yiddish*  • and more!*

Students should consider applying for FLAS Fellowships with any applicable FLAS-granting centers at UT, such as the Center for European Studies and the South Asia Institute, or for summer FLAS awards at other FLAS-granting institutions as relevant to their research interests.

FLAS awards are available for both academic year (in residence at UT) and summer studies (at UT, abroad or elsewhere in the US). See our non-exhaustive list of FLAS eligible language programs!

For more information, and to apply, click here.

Funding Opportunity: Postdoc Fellowships in Social Science of Russia (U. of Wisconsin-Madison)

Deadline for Applications: March 15, 2017

Postdoctoral fellowships in Social Science of Russia
at the University of Wisconsin-Madison

The Center for Russia, East Europe, and Central Asia (CREECA) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison invites applications for three post-doctoral research fellowships for social scientists, funded with a grant from the Carnegie Corporation of New York. The fellowships will commence in September 2017 and run through August 2018. Fellows are expected to conduct research about Russia in one or more of the five topic areas: 1) Education, labor markets, and inequality; 2) Law and society; 3) Political economy; 4) Identity, place, and migration; and 5) Demographic change. Fellows will be paired with UW-Madison faculty mentors with expertise in the appropriate topic. In addition to conducting research that will lead to scholarly publications, fellows will be expected to present their work in CREECA’s lecture series, to participate actively in the intellectual life of the Center, and to participate in a social science workshop for US and Russian scholars that will take place in summer 2018 (dates TBD).

Eligibility: Applicants must have a PhD (or equivalent degree, such as the kandidat) in hand prior to September 2017, and they must have received the degree no earlier than January 1, 2012. Applicants who have not yet obtained their degree but plan to do so prior to September 2017 must furnish evidence (e.g. in their letters of reference) that they are well on track to have the degree in hand by that date. Doctoral candidates and those holding PhDs or other doctoral degrees from UW-Madison are ineligible.

Base rate (twelve-month salary): $65,000. Fellows will also receive a modest stipend for travel to academic conferences. The fellowship covers and basic health insurance for all fellows. Fellows must be prepared to cover their travel expenses to arrive in Madison for the fellowship.

All applicants are required to submit the following materials:

1) A cover letter. The letter should describe the research the applicant will conduct during the fellowship (including topic, data and methodology, and expected output by the end of the fellowship period), should indicate which topic area(s) of the five listed above the project falls under, and should identify a UW faculty member who would be an appropriate mentor for the applicant;
2) A current curriculum vitae;
3) An article-length writing sample;
4) Three confidential letters of recommendation from faculty members who can evaluate the applicant’s work and proposal.

Applicants should combine the first three items listed above into a single PDF, name the file using the convention “Applicant’s Last Name _CCNY Postdoc application” and email the PDF as an attachment to:

The three letters of recommendation should come either directly from the recommenders or from a dossier service. They should not be submitted by the applicant. Recommenders should submit the letters as email attachments to:

If necessary, materials may be sent in hard copy to:

Center for Russia, East Europe, and Central Asia (CREECA)
Attention: Postdoctoral Fellowship Competition
210 Ingraham Hall, 1155 Observatory Drive
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, WI 53706-1397, USA

We especially encourage applications from Russia-based scholars, particularly those from regions outside Moscow. Cover letters, CVs, and writing samples must be submitted in English. (Letters of recommendation may be in English or Russian.)

Deadline: for full consideration, all materials must be received by March 15, 2017.

Questions may be addressed to Kristin Edwards at

Funding Opportunity: DAAD/AICGS Research Fellowship Program (Johns Hopkins U.)

Deadline for Applications: February 28, 2017

Title: DAAD/AICGS Research Fellowship Program
Sponsor: American Institute for Contemporary German Studies (AICGS) – Johns Hopkins University
Amount: $4,725/month; 2 months

Description: The DAAD/AICGS Research Fellowship Program, funded by a generous grant from the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), is designed to bring scholars and specialists working on Germany, Europe, and/or transatlantic relations to AICGS for research stays of two consecutive months each. Fellowships include a monthly stipend of up to $4,725, depending on the seniority of the applicant; transportation to and from Washington; and office space at the Institute.

How to Apply: Apply directly to the sponsor by February 28. See the grant announcement for a complete list of materials to be submitted with the application. 

More Info:

Funding Opportunity: Fellowships for Intensive Advanced Turkish Language Study (Istanbul, Turkey)

Deadline for Applications: February 06, 2017

Title: Fellowships for Intensive Advanced Turkish Language Study in Istanbul, Turkey
Sponsor: American Research Institute in Turkey (ARIT)
Amount: Unspecified

Description: For summer 2017, the American Research Institute in Turkey will offer approximately 15 fellowships for advanced students for participation in the summer program in intensive advanced Turkish language at Boğaziçi University in Istanbul. This intensive program offers the equivalent of one full academic year of study in Turkish at the college level. The fellowships cover round-trip airfare to Istanbul, application and tuition fees, and a maintenance stipend.

How to Apply: Apply directly to the sponsor by February 6. See the grant announcement for a complete list of materials to be submitted with the application.

More Info:

Funding Opportunity: Prins Foundation Postdoc. & Early Career Fellowship for Emigrating Scholars (Center for Jewish History)

Deadline for Applications: February 10, 2017

The Center for Jewish History offers research fellowships that provide access to the collections of the Center’s partners – American Jewish Historical Society, American Sephardi Federation, Leo Baeck Institute, Yeshiva University Museum, and YIVO Institute for Jewish Research.

While in residence at the Center, fellows participate in a lively academic community, engaging and producing new scholarship in Jewish studies and other fields.

The ten-month Prins Foundation Postdoctoral and Early Career Fellowship for Emigrating Scholars is open to recent PhDs from outside North America and Israel and entails a stipend of up to $35,000.

The application deadline is February 10, 2017. Full application guidelines are posted at