Academic Job: Postdoctoral Research Scholar (Harriman Institute)

Deadline for Application: January 15, 2018


The Harriman Institute invites applications for 2 two-year postdoctoral research scholar positions, extending over 2018-19 and 2019-20. Postdoctoral research scholars are expected to concentrate on their own research and writing; to teach a course of their own design in the spring semester of each of the two years; to give a public seminar/lecture on their research; and to be active participants in the Institute’s scholarly community and events. The Institute provides desk space for all postdoctoral research scholars. The Institute also provides funds to sponsor workshops, conferences, and special events planned by fellows around their particular interests.

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Graduate Program: PhD in Russian History (Durham University)

Deadline for application: January 10, 2018.

Durham University is placing a call for applications for PhD studentships in Russian History and/or culture at Durham University, United Kingdom, the deadline for which is 10 January 2018, 5pm (UK time). (Noon CST)

The School of Modern Languages and Cultures, Russian Studies and Department of History  invite applications for PhD studentships through the Arts and Humanities Research Council funded Northern Bridge Doctoral Training Partnership.

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Funding: Arthur H. Cole Grant (Economic History Association)

Deadline for application: March 1, 2018

The EHA supports research in economic history through multiple grant programs. Most of these are administered by the Committee on Research in Economic History (CREH) and one by the Annual Meetings Program Committee.

All applicants for or recipients of an EHA grant or prize must be members of the Association, and all application materials must be submitted electronically. To join, go online to where you can use the online shopping cart to most efficiently join the EHA.  You can also join by printing out a membership form at the membership site and sending it in with a check or credit card.
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Funding: Research Grant (Economic History Association)

Deadline for application: January 15, 2018

The EHA supports research in economic history through multiple grant programs. Most of these are administered by the Committee on Research in Economic History (CREH) and one by the Annual Meetings Program Committee.

All applicants for or recipients of an EHA grant or prize must be members of the Association, and all application materials must be submitted electronically. To join, go online to where you can use the online shopping cart to most efficiently join the EHA.  You can also join by printing out a membership form at the membership site and sending it in with a check or credit card.
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Funding: Dissertation Research Fellowship (ASEEES)

Deadline for application: January 8, 2018

The Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies invites applications for the Stephen F. Cohen-Robert C. Tucker Dissertation Research Fellowship (CTDRF) Program.

For the 2018-2019 academic year, the Cohen-Tucker Dissertation Research Fellowship (CTDRF) Program will provide up to six annual fellowships, with a maximum stipend of $22,000, to doctoral students at US universities, who are citizens or permanent residents of the US, to conduct dissertation research in Russia. The Program is open to students in any discipline whose dissertation topics are within 19th – early 21st century Russian historical studies.

For more information and to apply, see:

The application deadline is Jan. 8, 2018.
Reference letter deadline: January 15, 2018 (Referees will be contacted with instructions to submit the letters as soon as the application is received)

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Graduate Program: Graduate Studies in Russian (NYU)

Deadline for funding application: February 15, 2018

If you are interested in Russia-related study at the Master’s level, there are open possibilities for graduate work at NYU.

At the Master’s level, NYU offers three options: an interdisciplinary MA in Russian Studies, a Russian Studies MA with a concentration in International Relations, and a joint MA in Russian Studies and Journalism.  All programs give students access to Russia-related courses in departments across the university.

NYU can offer funding (up to full tuition) to the best MA candidates, thanks to the Stephen Cohen fellowship. To be considered for this and other NYU scholarships, applications for fall 2018 must be submitted by Feb. 15, 2018.

In addition to the NYU Russian department’s particular strengths in literature, film, and history, the course of study can encompass a wide variety of specializations, from history and anthropology to politics, music, linguistics, and performance studies. The program can serve as excellent preparation for graduate study at the PhD level as well as providing a thorough grounding in the Russia field for terminal MA students who choose to pursue careers in this area.

Finally,  students benefit from the many events and other intellectual opportunities offered by NYU’s Jordan Center for Russian Studies:

For more information about the different MA programs, visit or contact Anne Lounsbery (, Chair and Acting Director of Graduate Study)

Graduate Program: Slavic Studies (USC)

Deadline for Applications: December 01, 2017

The department of Slavic Languages and Literatures invites applications from well-qualified students. Thier dynamic faculty have wide-ranging research interests with particular concentration in Russian literature and culture of the modern era.  In addition to the core of faculty whose focus is literature (Greta Matzner-Gore, Sarah Pratt, Thomas Seifrid, Alexander Zholkovsky) they have a specialist in eastern European cinema (Anna Krakus) and will be joined in the Spring 2018 semester by their new colleague, Kelsey Rubin-Detlev, a scholar of 18th-century Russian literature and culture. They also anticipate making another senior hire in the next year.  They offer competitive funding, with five years of support (3 on fellowship, 2 teaching) which includes tuition and health insurance.

Additionally, the Los Angeles area itself, with its abundance of cultural resources  makes USC an exciting place at which to do graduate work (for a sampling of the areas attractions, see

Basic information about their faculty and program is available on their web site –  For information on how to apply, please see They offer excellent opportunities for graduate support leading to the PhD, starting with standard five-year packages that include three years of fellowship support and two teaching years, tuition, and health insurance.

Funding: Truman Scholarship (UT-Austin)

Deadline for application: October 27, 2017

The University of Texas at Austin’s Harry S. Truman Selection Committee invites students to consider applying for a 2018 Truman Scholarship.  Applicants should be graduating either in Fall 2018 or Spring 2019 and should have a 3.75 GPA or higher. 

The Truman Scholarship is a $32,000 merit-based grant awarded to undergraduate students who wish to attend graduate or professional school in preparation for careers in government, the non-profit sector, or elsewhere in public service.

Given the demands of the application and application process, we have found that the sooner you learn about the scholarship the more successful your application is likely to be.  The Truman Scholarship has a website where students can read all necessary information.  Students apply for the scholarship as juniors; that is, if you plan to graduate in May of 2019, this is the year for you to apply for the Truman.  The deadline for applications to the University Selection Committee will be Friday, October 27, 2017.  The University may nominate up to four candidates for national competition.   

The Truman application is online and is now available.  If you are interested in applying, you will need to let the chair, Douglas Bruster ( know, and he will register you with the Truman Foundation, enabling you to have access to the application.  Your recommenders should send their letters of recommendation to him ( electronically in a word document.

Douglas Bruster would be happy to answer questions you may have about the Truman Scholarship.  He holds regular office hours on Mondays and Wednesdays between 10:00-11:30 a.m. in Parlin Hall 220.

Graduate Program: Slavic Literature and Culture (U of Illinois)

Deadline for applications: December 31, 2017

The Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign invites students interested in pursuing a Ph.D. in Slavic literatures and cultures to apply to the graduate program. Qualified students beginning their graduate career at Illinois are guaranteed five years of financial support (contingent on satisfactory progress), including fellowships, teaching, research, and graduate assistantships, summer support, and the opportunity for an editorial assistantship at Slavic Review. We also welcome applicants who have completed an M.A. in Slavic Languages and Literature or related fields.
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Graduate Program: Graduate Student Fellowships (Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study)

Deadline for Applications: October 16, 2017

The Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study (NDIAS) is dedicated to fostering and supporting integrative scholarship addressing ultimate questions at the intersection of the arts, engineering, humanities, law, and formal, natural, and social sciences, especially those that transcend disciplinary boundaries.

The NDIAS encourages graduate student applicants to include questions of values in their analyses, to integrate diverse disciplines, and to ask how their findings advance civilization. The Institute offers its fellows the opportunity to engage not only in analysis but also in evaluating what should be done, to analyze the world in substantive and collaborative ways, and to think through the implications of present behavior for the future of the world.

As a collaborative academic community, the Institute cultivates the contemplative ideal that is an essential factor in the Catholic intellectual tradition and vital for the progression of scholarship. The greatest advances do not occur in solitude, but in the company of others who share a passion for advancement and are open to dialogue and collaboration.

Research Support

The NDIAS offers fellowships to advanced graduate students for a full academic year (fall and spring semesters, August through May). The Institute also encourages graduate students to address ultimate questions and questions of value while a member of the Institute’s academic community.

Graduate fellowships range up to a maximum of $25,000 (gross amount) and include a $1,000 research account, office facilities in the Institute, a computer and printer, access to University libraries and other facilities, and twice-weekly Institute seminars and other events. Continue reading “Graduate Program: Graduate Student Fellowships (Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study)”