Prof. Dev: Legal Interpreter Boot Camp (UT Austin)

Priority Deadline for Registration: June 15, 2019

Summer Boot Camp Details:
Dates: Monday-Friday, July 15-19, 2019
Time: 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
Location: UT Austin main campus, Thompson Conference Center

According to U.S. News, interpretation and translation is the number two best creative and media job for 2019, and Austin is the fifth best-paying city for interpreters and translators, so now is a great time to begin training for a hot new career! Offered only in the summer, and only in Austin, the Legal Interpreter Certificate Program 5-Day Boot Camp takes place over a one-week (Monday through Friday) period. This program is available to those who are fully bilingual in English and any other language.

To learn more -attend the free info session and ask questions! Continue reading “Prof. Dev: Legal Interpreter Boot Camp (UT Austin)”

Lang. Training: Summer First-Year Russian Online (UT Austin)

Deadline to Register: May 2019 (Late registration period begins May 13)

The Department of Slavic and Eurasian Studies at UT is offering a new online Russian language course, starting this summer with RUS w406 FIRST-YEAR RUSSIAN I (Whole session).

*These courses are open to all—non-students and UT/non-UT students alike

RUS w406 FIRST-YEAR RUSSIAN I will run from June 6–August 16, 2019, and is the first of three semesters of online Russian classes that will be offered. All three levels will be running simultaneously in the upcoming Fall and Spring semesters of 2019–2020.  Continue reading “Lang. Training: Summer First-Year Russian Online (UT Austin)”

Lang. Training: Online Beginning BCS, Fall 2019 (Kansas)

Learn the basics of Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian (BCS) in this online beginning BCS course offered at the University of Kansas this fall. Here is the description of the course:

BCRS 150 – Beginning Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian I (3 credit hours) Fall 2019
Fundamentals of B/C/S grammar, reading, speaking, and writing. Introduction to the cultural context in which B/C/S discourse occurs. ONLINE course, designed to accommodate the needs of students regardless of age, educational background, or occupation who want to acquire some basic communicative skills in B/C/S. No previous knowledge of BCS or other foreign languages required.

The course is open to non-KU and non-degree-seeking students. For more information, interested students should contact the instructor, Marta Pirnat-Greenberg, at

Lang. Training: Russian Online this Summer (Arizona)

Deadline for Applications: May 2019

The Department of Russian & Slavic Studies at the University of Arizona offers two intensive 5-week fully online courses in Russian for beginners:

Russian 101: June 10 – July 11
Russian 102: July 14 – August 14

The courses are based on the online and completely free textbook Mezhdu Nami and involve both self-paced activities and online meetings with the instructor using Zoom.

Both courses are taught entirely online and involve synchronous online group meetings for interactive practice with the instructor. At the 101 level, we offer 4 meetings a week. At the 102 level, 3–4 meetings a week are offered. All group meetings will be recorded and made available to the students. Continue reading “Lang. Training: Russian Online this Summer (Arizona)”

Study Abroad: Summer and Fall Programs (SRAS)

Deadline for Applications: Vary By Program; May 2019 for Fall Programs

SRAS is accepting applications for fall study abroad programs and there are some spots left in a few of their summer programs too! Don’t miss these incredible opportunities to explore some incredible regions.

Summer Study Abroad:
1) Applications are still being accepted for all programs in KyrgyzstanUkraine, and Poland.
2) Add intensive language study in Kyiv (Ukraine) to a summer SRAS program in Poland for as little as $600.
3) Continuing Education, which takes education professionals to Ukraine and Georgia, is also still accepting applications!

Fall Study Abroad: Deadlines run through May and vary by program! See program pages for details.


Lang. Training: Summer Russian Course with Online Option (Norman, OK)

Deadline for Applications: Ongoing Until Filled

The University of Oklahoma in Norman is offering a five-hour second-semester Russian course (RUSS 1225) this summer that can be taken either as a seat-time class in Norman or through a virtual meetings platform from afar.  Long-distance students can see the board, the instructor, the seat-time students, and each other.  Communicative work is emphasized.  The class will run from June 10-July 19, 10:30-12:50 MTWRF using the textbook Beginner’s Russian.  Interested students should contact Matthew McGarry if they have questions:

To enroll in the class, students would need to be admitted as “undergraduate visitors,” which is a straight-forward process:

Lang. Training: Summer Intensive Language Program, Russian (Monterey, CA)

Deadline for Applications: April 15, 2019

The Summer Intensive Language Program (SILP) in Monterey, CA is accepting students to the Russian Program at Middlebury Institute of International Studies through April 15, 2019.

Summer Session: June 13–August 7, 2019

Designed for beginner to high intermediate level language learners, the SILP is a great opportunity for students who want small class sizes with emphasis on both grammar instruction and cultural experiences.

Visit the Russian program webpage for more information! For questions- contact the SILP at the Middlebury Institute at (831) 647-6585 or


Lang. Training: Virtual NSLI-Y Program Launch (US Dept. of State)

Deadline for Applications: April 24, 2019

Virtual NSLI-Y is a new NSLI-Y program component launching in Fall 2019 to increase the reach and scope of the NSLI-Y program. Two different models for novice learners — the In-School Program and the Digital Classroom Program — will be piloted during the 2019-20 academic year.

Virtual NSLI-Y will operate in the spirit of the long-standing NSLI-Y Goals, with additional goals to introduce U.S. teens to language and culture of Virtual NSLI-Y target language and spark an interest in international travel, study abroad, language study, and intercultural learning.

Learn more on the program website!

NSLI-Y seeks applications from experienced language teachers to facilitate virtual language instruction for both the In-School Program and Digital Classroom models in academic year 2019-20.  See more application information here: Teacher Application. Applicants should apply by April 24, 2019.

In-School Program, Host School application: (Deadline: April 24)

Digital Classroom, Student application: Coming soon (Deadline: May 29)