Priority Deadline for Registration: June 15, 2019
Summer Boot Camp Details:
Dates: Monday-Friday, July 15-19, 2019
Time: 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
Location: UT Austin main campus, Thompson Conference Center
According to U.S. News, interpretation and translation is the number two best creative and media job for 2019, and Austin is the fifth best-paying city for interpreters and translators, so now is a great time to begin training for a hot new career! Offered only in the summer, and only in Austin, the Legal Interpreter Certificate Program 5-Day Boot Camp takes place over a one-week (Monday through Friday) period. This program is available to those who are fully bilingual in English and any other language.
To learn more -attend the free info session and ask questions! Continue reading “Prof. Dev: Legal Interpreter Boot Camp (UT Austin)”