Prof. Dev: Municipal Environmental Resilience and Inclusiveness

Deadline: February 7, 2023

Program Information

The Alumni Thematic International Exchange Seminar (Alumni TIES) program will convene 40 alumni of U.S. government-sponsored exchange programs in Santiago, Chile on May 22-26, 2023 on the theme of “Municipal Environmental Resilience and Inclusiveness.” This seminar is for ExchangeAlumni, over the age of 18, from countries in the Americas. 

This seminar will feature thematic breakout sessions, interactive panel discussions, and engagement with prominent organizations working on the intersection of the environment and socio-ecological resilience against climate change. 

Seminar activities will begin with a welcome reception in the evening of Monday, May 22, and end with a closing dinner on Thursday, May 25. May 21 (in some cases), May 22, and May 26 will be travel days.

Selected participants will focus on the following priorities:

  • Learn how to apply a multi-sectoral approach for building climate resilience by strengthening the capacity of communities in the Americas to address the challenges of climate change including water, food, and economic security.
  • Better prepare for and respond to the ways that climate change undermines economic growth, public health, and safety in marginalized communities and vulnerable populations.
  • Collaborate and create ideas to build green infrastructure and transition to renewable energy with the support of community members.
  • Strategize creative ways to reengage community stakeholders, elected officials, technology companies, and educators in the development of sustainable environmental practices with indigenous and local knowledge.
  • Apply for small grants that focus on topics related to socio-ecological resilience against climate change, participatory decisionmaking in climate change adaptation practices, and access to green energy for marginalized populations.

Participants will have the exclusive opportunity to design and collaborate on regional proposals for community-based projects of up to $10,000 USD.

In advance of the seminar, selected participants will meet for virtual, pre-seminar meetings during the week of April 10-14, 2023. 

To learn more about the Alumni TIES program, please visit

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Open Resources for Teaching Slavic

This portal is focused around open educational resources that can be used for online, hybrid/blended, or technology-enhanced courses in Slavic language, literature, and culture. The website also hosts a map of Slavic programs and courses in the United States as well as a list of resources related to online and technology-enhanced teaching.

The LLC Commons initiative aims to grow a sustainable culture of sharing high-quality recorded interactive lectures and materials among Slavists and language educators at all levels. The portal offers an infrastructure for searching our growing database of online lessons and embedding online modules into a variety of course management platforms across the globe. Contributing to the LLC Commons is an exciting opportunity to collaborate with other language and culture educators at the forefront of a new education era of online and hybrid teaching.

Prof. Dev: CV & Cover Letter Consultations from AATSEEL

Deadline: January 15, 2023

The AATSEEL Graduate Student Committee cordially invites colleagues who are currently on or are preparing to enter the job market to participate in the upcoming professional development event, “CV and Cover Letter/Personal Statement Consultations.” We have thirty 15-minute spots for one-on-one Zoom consultations available. You will be matched randomly with a senior scholar who will receive your materials prior to the conference. The consultations will take place during the AATSEEL Conference—February 17-19, 2023. 

Participation is open to anyone with a background in Slavic languages and literatures. However, you must be a registered participant of the 2023 AATSEEL Conference. If interested, please send your materials to by January 15, 2023. 

If you are a senior scholar who would like to serve as a reviewer, please kindly let me know by January 15, 2023. 

Workshop: The Archive Revisited: Black Feminist Internationalism and Eurasian Knowledge Production

Deadline: February 1, 2023

Online Workshop

May 23-24, 2023

The Archive Revisited focuses on reimagining the legacies of Black feminist internationalism in Soviet Eurasia, i.e., East Europe and Central Asia. The workshop invites scholars, artists, and activists to submit contributions that explore these legacies for their meaning today. Black Internationalist intellectuals shared knowledge globally and formed alliances across nations and continents. For example, Louise Thompson Patterson, Claudia Jones, Eslanda Robeson, Langston Hughes, and Audre Lorde, among many others, tackled the problems of their times, forged transnational relations, and imagined alternative futures that could secure survival for everybody. However, existing archives often hold fragmented traces (if any) of Black women and queer people’s experiences in Soviet Eurasia. Even less is known about Eurasian communities’ perceptions of Black sojourners and their intellectual contributions. Likewise, the role of Eurasian knowledge production in Black internationalists’ theorizing does not often come through easily in the archive and scholarship. Against these gaps and absences, workshop participants are invited to reflect on the meaning and value, including the limitations and possibilities, of past relationships, encounters, and intellectual exchanges. The workshop approaches the archive as a site of exploration and location of creative invention and critical knowledge production. It invites participants to explore and elevate perspectives muted in the archive as well as to look at the archive beyond what happened or has not happened. Participants are encouraged to read the archive for what it withholds or implies and reveal/ imagine stories suppressed or discarded by traditional historiographies. Furthermore, the Archive Revisited invites potential contributors to foreground the value of past relationships for the contemporary moment.

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South Caucasus Overseas Program for Educators

Deadline: Monday, January 23, 2023

The American Research Institute of the South Caucasus (ARISC) invites applications to the South Caucasus Overseas Program for Educators (SCOPE) taking place in the summer of 2023.

SCOPE will consist of an immersive ten-day visit to Armenia and Georgia for post-secondary educators, with priority given to faculty at community colleges and minority serving institutions. The program will run in the South Caucasus from Tuesday, June 20 to Thursday, June 29, 2023.

The program will be co-led by regional experts Dr. Anna Ohanyan (Stonehill College) and Dr. Benjamin Bamberger (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign). SCOPE participants will attend lectures and workshops run by local academics, visit sites of historical and cultural significance, and engage with scholarly communities in Armenia and Georgia from a variety of disciplines. The program will also offer Introductory virtual talks on the regional languages prior to travel as well as opportunities to collect and develop curricular resources.

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CFP: Collaborative Research Workshop on the History of the New World Information and Communications Order

Deadline: January 15, 2023

The Non-Aligned News Research Partnership (NANReP) invites applications from collaborative-minded scholars located anywhere in the world to participate virtually in a five-day research workshop on the history of the New World Information and Communications Order (NWICO). This international e-workshop is scheduled for 5-9 June 2023.

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Job Postings: Teach for America Jobs and Fellowships

Deadline: Varies, See Below

Seniors and Graduate Students: Are you interested in challenging yourself in an impact-driven career? By joining Teach For America, you will become part of a majority-BIPOC network of leaders shaping our country’s political, economic, and social future. 

  • Want to explore if this is right for you and check out some of the inspiring ways Teach For America alumni are disrupting inequity across education, business, policy, law, medicine, and more? Grab coffee with your UT representative, Alyssa Gonzales-Kirk, here
  • Want to explore the application? Submit your 2-hour application to the 2023 corps by January 4th (Rolling Deadline) or by our final deadline on Friday, February 10th.
  • All majors accepted. Full salary and benefits + $5k-$10k stipend + up to $12k Americorps grant.

Juniors, Sophomores, and Freshmxn: Do you want to make a direct impact next semester? 

  • Consider applying to Teach For America’s Ignite Fellowship to work directly with elementary or middle school students this spring. We’re seeking college students to lead virtual, small group tutoring sessions with students during the school days. This is a part-time, paid opportunity to build meaningful relationships with youth, accelerate student success, and hone your leadership skills. Submit your application by Sunday, December 18.  
  • Want to learn more about the fellowship, watch a recording of our Info-Session. Before submitting your application, attend our Application Workshop on 12/15.
  • Explore the above opportunities and more by visiting the linktree for Julie Gunderson, your early opportunities representative.

Summer Research Laboratory (University of Illinois)

Deadline: March 3, 2023

The Russian, East European, and Eurasian Center and the Slavic Reference Service at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign are pleased to announce a call for applications to the 50th annual Summer Research Laboratory (SRL). The program will take place June 12 – August 4, 2023. Funded in part by the U.S. Department of State’s Title VIII Program, the SRL program provides research support for graduate and post-graduate level research on Central and East Europe and the Independent States of the former Soviet Union.

We will provide support for both in-person and virtual associateships for scholars to conduct summer research concerning all aspects of Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies. Please note that the majority of Associateships will be in-person.

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Call for Book Chapters: Routledge History of the International Protection of Minorities, 1919-2001

Deadline: January 14, 2023

Co-editors, Carole Fink (Humanities Distinguished Professor of History Emerita at The Ohio State University), Anna-Mária Bíró (Director of the Tom Lantos Institute), Jennifer Jackson-Preece (Associate Professor of Nationalism at the London School of Economics) and Corinne Lennox (Senior Lecturer in Human Rights at the School of Advanced Study, University of London), invite proposals for the edited collection Routledge History of the International Protection of Minorities, 1919-2001, to be published by Routledge (Taylor & Francis).

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