International Programs at European University at St. Petersburg

EUSP’s International programs division unites the best educational and research traditions of the European University at Saint Petersburg making them open to the students, scientists and specialists from all over the world.

Some of our international programs are conducted at our Yerevan campus — the EUSP Center for International Education Foundation.  The location offers a safe environment combined with high-quality teaching by EUSP faculty, local Armenian scholars and foreign guest-lecturers. It also gives amazing opportunities to explore the region along with its rich heritage, history and unique way out of Soviet past.

South Caucasus Overseas Program for Educators

Deadline: Monday, January 23, 2023

The American Research Institute of the South Caucasus (ARISC) invites applications to the South Caucasus Overseas Program for Educators (SCOPE) taking place in the summer of 2023.

SCOPE will consist of an immersive ten-day visit to Armenia and Georgia for post-secondary educators, with priority given to faculty at community colleges and minority serving institutions. The program will run in the South Caucasus from Tuesday, June 20 to Thursday, June 29, 2023.

The program will be co-led by regional experts Dr. Anna Ohanyan (Stonehill College) and Dr. Benjamin Bamberger (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign). SCOPE participants will attend lectures and workshops run by local academics, visit sites of historical and cultural significance, and engage with scholarly communities in Armenia and Georgia from a variety of disciplines. The program will also offer Introductory virtual talks on the regional languages prior to travel as well as opportunities to collect and develop curricular resources.

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Monterey Summer Symposium on Russia (Armenia and Georgia)

Deadline: February 1, 2023

The Monterey Initiative in Russian Studies (MIRS) at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey invites applications for the Monterey Summer Symposium on Russia 2023.
It is our pleasure to announce the upcoming Monterey Summer Symposium on Russia 2023. It will be held in Armenia and Georgia, running from July 2 to July 17, 2023. Armenia and Georgia are two very different countries, differently positioned geopolitically, though with shared history in the Soviet Union and Russian Empire. They stand at a proverbial crossroads of international affairs. China’s Belt and Road Initiative runs through the South Caucasus, which are crucial to global energy supplies. On energy and regional security, the United States plays an important role, while Turkey and Iran are neighboring countries, connected to Armenia and Georgia through bonds of tension and affiliation. Armenia and Georgia have been profoundly affected by Russia’s war in Ukraine, which has added degrees of uncertainty to a region long familiar with uncertainty.

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Interdisciplinary Summer Courses (CEU Sumner University/Budapest, Vienna)

Deadline: February 14, 2023

CEU Summer University offers high-level, research- and policy-oriented interdisciplinary courses from June 26 to July 31, 2023. All courses will be held in Budapest (with the exception of one, which will be  taught in Vienna.)  

We invite applications from advanced undergraduates, MA and Ph.D. students, postdocs, junior faculty, early-stage researchers, and practitioners for the short, intensive courses taught by teams of internationally renowned scholars and policy experts (including CEU and OSUN professors). Financial aid is available.

First upcoming application deadline: February 14, 2023   

·                     Course Listings and link to the Application Form:   

·                     Contact email:   

·                     Latest news and updates that can be shared:   

Summer Intensive Program in Russian & Eurasian Studies (Astana, Kazakhstan)

Deadline: February 25, 2023; Info Session: December 2, 2022

The University of Arizona, in collaboration with Eurasian National University (ENU), is now accepting applications for the 2023 Summer Intensive Program in Russian and Eurasian Studies in Astana, Kazakhstan. We particularly welcome undergraduate as well as graduate students whose research focuses on Central Asia and students interested in learning multiple foreign languages. We accept all types of funding. The Arizona-in-Kazakhstan Program is fully FLAS compliant.

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Winter school on oral history and memory of the war in Ukraine from the University of Insubria and University of New Europe (extended deadline)

Deadline: November 15, 2022

Earlier this year, we shared with you the call for participation in the winter school on oral history and memory research and their uses for studying the ongoing Russian invasion in Ukraine. The school will take place in Como (Italy) on January 23-27 2023 and is the result of cooperation between the University of Insubria ( and the University of New Europe ( On several requests, we extended the deadline for the applications until November 15, so this is the final call for the interested applicants. More information is available in the attached leaflet / via the link:

Funding: ARISC Funding Opportunities

Deadline: December 9, 2022

The American Research Institute of the South Caucasus (ARISC) announces funding opportunities for 2022-23! Short descriptions below. Please check the website for full eligibility and application information.

  • ARISC Junior Research Fellowship
    • US citizens and permanent residents; $5,000
  • ARISC Short Term Research Fellowships
    • US citizens; $4,200/month up to 2 months
  • ARISC Research and Mentoring Fellowships
    • US citizens; up to $10,000
  • ARISC Graduate/Postdoctoral Fellowships
    • US or Canadian citizens/permanent residents; up to $2,250
  • ARISC Honoraria for Lectures & Workshops
    • US citizens; $250/lecture; $500/workshop
  • ARISC Small Grants
    • Students in the South Caucasus; $300
  • ARISC Travel Grants
    • Scholars in the South Caucasus presenting at conference/workshop; up to $3,000
  • ARISC Collaborative Heritage Management Grant in Armenia
    • Team with US and Armenian citizens; up to $4000
  • ARISC Collaborative Heritage Management Fellowships in Azerbaijan or Georgia
    • Team with US and Azerbaijani or Georgian citizens; up to $4000

Deadlines for all funding opportunities are Friday, December 9, 2022

Questions? See our new Frequently Asked Questions page or email

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Study Abroad: Security and Society in the Information Age (SRAS)

Deadline: March 1, 2023

You are invited to an Info Session about the Security and Society Summer School, hosted by Collegium Civitas in Warsaw, Poland. This Info Session will take place on Saturday, October 29, 11:00am – 12:00pm EASTERN and will start with an introductory lecture “Terrorism and other Security Threats – CEE Perspectives” followed by Q&A and information on the summer school.


Now in its 9th year, the Security and Society Summer School has provided participants with unique perspectives on security issues in Central Europe. It is a 4-week in-person course, based in Warsaw with travel to Berlin and Krakow, followed by two additional weeks online completing a research paper as part of an internship with the Terrorism Research Centre. These papers will be published in Volume 6 of Security and Society in the Information Age.

The course offers a broad overview of the modern security challenges faced by the countries of Central Europe and more broadly by NATO and the European Union. This year we will focus on the regional and global implications of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, along with the broad topics of war, international law relating to war, and peacebuilding. Other topics include hybrid threats, cybersecurity, and terrorism.

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Funding: ASPIRANTUM Dostoyevsky Scholarship for Study Abroad

Deadline: December 15, 2022

10 scholarships are available through ASPIRANTUM’s Dostoyevsky scholarship scheme to those students who meet the eligibility criteria presented below and are interested to learn Russian in Armenia during the ASPIRANTUM’s 4-8 weeks of Russian language summer school:

The scholarship:

The participation fee for the 4-8 weeks Russian Language summer course is $2500-$4920. 

The Dostoyevsky scholarship will cover $1000, and the student, if awarded the scholarship, will have to pay $1000 less for the course.

For more details about the scholarship, please visit:

Who is eligible?

Only undergraduate (BA), graduate (MA), and postgraduate (Ph.D.) students, as well as researchers in Slavic Studies and related fields, enrolled in universities and other academic institutions from the below-specified countries, are eligible to apply for the Dostoyevsky scholarship. 

The ideal candidates will be 19 – 39 years old by the program’s start. 

Only the citizens of the following countries are eligible for this scholarship:

Albania, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Paraguay, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States of America, Uruguay.

Deadline to apply:

Please apply for this scholarship by December 15, 2022.

For more details about the scholarship, please visit:

Study Abroad: Learn Russian in the European Union (Daugavpils, Latvia)

Deadline: November 21, 2022

Learn Russian in the European Union (Daugavpils, Latvia) is accepting applications for the following in-person undergraduate Russian study abroad programs hosted at Daugavpils University. 

–          2023 Winter; 

–          2023 Spring semester; 

–          2023 Fall semester; 

–          2024 Spring semester. 

Please share this information with your students and colleagues.

US citizens need no visa to study in Latvia.

2023 Winter Program

Students can earn 6 ECTS (3 US) credits in the Russian language. The program will also include content lectures on different aspects of Russian and Baltic culture, traditions, history, and present – all provided in adjusted Russian. The program will be efficient for students with at least three full semesters of university Russian.

The application deadline is November 21, 2022.

Learn more about the Winter Program.

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